Thursday, 19 November 2009

Ever wondered.......

Why the sun lightens our hair but darkens our skin?
Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why you don't see the headline "psychic wins lottery"?
Why "abbreviated" is such a long word?
Why it is that Doctors call what they do "practice"?
Why lemon juice is made with artificial flavour but washing up liquid is made with real lemons?
Why the man who invests all your money is called a "broker"?
Why the time of day with the slowest traffic is called the rush hour?
Why there isn't mouse flavoured cat food?
Why Noah didn't swat those two mosquitoes?
Why sheep don't shrink when it rains?
Why they are called apartments when they are all stuck together?
You know that indestructible black box used in planes - why isn't the whole plane made of that?
If flying is so safe why do they call the airport terminal?
If con is the opposite of pro, is congress the opposite of progress?

An American friend sent me these ever wondered? questions in an email so thought I'd share them. Hope they made you laugh too.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Laugh - I nearly wet myself.........

Has anybody else seen Miranda on the Beeb. If you haven't give it a look in, it's hysterical. Comedienne Miranda Hart calls it a semi autobiographical portrayal of her life. The social ineptitude of this woman is beyond words. Well done Miranda on a brilliant piece of comedy.
She desperately wants to get it on with an old friend she's fancied for years but all attempts to create a "moment" between them are thwarted, usually by her. Last night saw her stuck in a plastic child's chair, running and falling flat on her face, trying to learn to Tango (and pouncing on some poor unsuspecting customer in her shop) and being mortally embarrassed by her Mum who is trying to find her a husband in the personal ads, and keeps trying to show her photos from her nudist holiday.

I'm not doing it justice so please have a look in.

Another thing that had me in stitches last night was Kim Woodburn's challenge on "I'm a celebrity get me out of here". She was sealed in a perspex box and put under water where they dropped yabbies and cockroaches on her along with golden balls she had to open and retrieve stars from.
Her conversation all the time she was in the box , telling the nasty critters "oh you stink you nasty beggars" and "if you bite me again I'll bite you back" had my sides aching with laughter. I think she's a real character anyway, and love the way she interacts with the others. Whether it's all a put on who knows but it's certainly entertaining. Good on you Kim, not bad for a 67 year old.
Don't know if I'll continue to watch the series now Jordan's arrived, I'm afraid I find her insufferable. I would have thought given her son Harvey's recent health scares she had more need to be staying out of the lime light for a while and focusing on him, but then again maybe in reality she's not the attention seeking hussy she appears to be.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Dropping like flies!

As I have previously posted my Aunt is unwell, so right now I'm visiting her nearly everyday: fetching her shopping, sorting her medication, and keeping her company.

Now my Dad seems to be getting ill. He's had the doc out several times having developed a rattle in his lungs, however now he seems to be having problems with his sugar levels too. Having had diabetes for years he is very good at monitoring his sugar levels and keeping them quite regular, but these last few days he's been all over the place. He awoke the other night feeling all funny so checked his levels and he was way down at 2.5. I'm getting quite concerned about it.

My Mother in law went in to hospital today to have her knee replaced so she is going to be needing a little extra help for a while, and my father in law has been having funny fainting fits.

My Babes is in a lot of pain again having got more protruding discs, although this time it's in his neck, and is waiting to hear back about an operation date.

To top it all Mouse has a dreadful head cold and is snuffling about the place.

I promise I am not putting anything in the water but they're dropping like flies all around me. So be warned, I may be hazardous to your health!!!!!

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Human Behaviour

I was standing at the bus stop the other day, and just a couple of yards away a water main cover had been oozing mud (granted, due to all the rain recently it looked more like oil) on the pavement. There wasn't heaps of it but it was a small shallow puddle.

Anyway, as I stood there. watching the people walking by I was amazed by how many people looked at the puddle and then looked upwards as if this black slick was a deposit from a huge bird or somehow some giant tap was dripping on the pavement.

Why do we do that? Is it that we are so taken aback by the sudden appearance of something out of the norm that we suspect divine or alien interference of some kind? Do we suspect someone has thrown it out of a window, or that someone is hanging out the window watching us to see our reaction?

I also found it fascinating the lengths people would go to, to avoid standing in the puddle - most didn't just step over it, but stepped to the sides as far as they could get away from it - was this in case it should suddenly leap from the ground and attack them?

In the 10 mins I stood waiting only one couple walked through it and they were so deep in conversation they didn't notice until it was too late, but even they looked at the puddle then looked skywards!

What bizzarre things we are!

Monday, 2 November 2009

Sweet Sixteen

OMG last night whilst surfing the channels with Mouse came across a thing on MTV called "My Sweet 16" the gist of which seems to be rich kids organising and having a 16th birthday party.

Turned out the first girl featured was actually turning 15. This mega beatch first had a party to give out her invites. For this she was punted (or whatever you do with a gondola) around a lake dressed up to the nines whilst she repeatedly swore and bitched about being in the boat, even though it had been her idea. Then having returned to her garden she used a megaphone (and it was a regular sized garden) to call out her friends to come out to accept their invitations, which by the way were in DVD form so they could have keepsakes!!.

Her party theme was an old style Venetian Court for which she wanted jesters, so needless to say 2 little guys came out and showed off their dancing skills much to the girl and her friends amusement (personally I thought it was insulting to the guys but they were obviously happy to oblige).

Then at the actual party she had several (one assumes) close friends who made up her courtiers. She was so rude and nasty to them screaming at them to get in line and hold their masks at the exact position she wanted, bitching because they were laughing at the outfits she'd made them wear. Mouse said if her friend behaved like that she would have gone home and left her to it.

She had one of the jesters dress as a cop and perform a striptease down to his boxers (15 years old - what is her Mother thinking). Then Mum and Dad having spent $300,000 on this party gave her what she asked for as a gift a term studying in a school in Paris. How she thank dear old Mum and Dad - snatched the microphone from Mum and yelled "Hey Mother F*****s I'm going to France" Who are these people?

Mouse and I were utterly astounded even though the swearing was bleeped I'm sure even Mouse knew what she was saying. Mouse was disgusted by her behaviour, one wonders if the girls friends behave the same or if they just put up with it because she's a rich brat.

The best thing about the whole programme was the photo shoot she wanted for her birthday pictures. She had this poor horse wearing a horn head piece to make it look like a unicorn so she could be a fantasy princess. The horse didn't like it (how strange!) so threw its head back in an attempt to dislodge it and smacked her in the face with the horn. It was so funny and you couldn't help thinking well done horse. Needless to say, she wanted off the horse right away and bitched that it was a horrible horse and had ruined her photos.

When these parents watch back the programme do they think OMG we've created a monster or do they just think WOW our baby's on MTV, sadly I think it'll be the latter!

Friday, 30 October 2009

Another email questionnaire has been doing the rounds and since I've been so hectic and not had time for posting, I thought I'd cheat and use it. Feel free to join in.

1. Were you named after anyone?
Yes, my Mum's best friend who died whilst she was expecting me

2. When did you last cry?
2 days ago, whilst watching a movie

3. Do you like your handwriting?
Yes, when it's neat

4. Do you have kids?
Yes, 3

5. If you were another person would you be friends with you?
Yes, I hope so

6. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

7. Do you still have your tonsils?

8. Would you do a Bungee Jump?

9. What is your favourite cereal?
Probably weetabix

10. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
Only trainers have laces and no

11. Do you think you are strong?
Emotionally yes

12. Favourite ice-cream?
Tiger tail ( a liquorice flavoured Baskin & Robbins)

13. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their hair

14. Red or Pink?

15. What is the least favourite thing about yourself?

16. Who do you miss the most?
My Mum - every day

17. What colour shoes are you wearing?
White trainers

18. What was the last thing you ate?
Scampi ( last nights tea)

19. If you were a crayon what colour would you be?

20. Favourite smells?
Blue Moon roses, Oriental lilies and Parma Violet sweets

21. Who was the last person you spoke to, on the phone?

22. Favourite sports to watch?
Gymnastics and figure skating

23. Eye colour?
Brown and occasionally blue!

24. Hair colour?
Various - out of a bottle

25. Last beauty treatment?
Eyebrow wax

26. Do you wear contacts?
Yes, clear and blue for fun sometimes!

27. Favourite food?

28. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both, but I need a cushion for scary movies

29. Last movie you watched?
Marley & me

30. What colour of shirt are you wearing?

31. Summer or Winter?

32. Hugs or Kisses?

33. Favourite dessert?
Probably cheesecake

34. What book are you reading at the moment?
Carrot cake murder by Joanne Fluke

35. What is on your mouse pad?
Star wars X-wing fighter!!!!!!!!

36. What is your wallpaper?
Picture of my Mum

37. What did you watch on TV last night?

38. Last piece of music listened to?
In the shadows by The Rasmus

39. Rolling Stones or Beatles?

40. What is the farthest you have been from home?
Louisiana, USA

41. Do you have a special talent?
I can do the splits!?!

42. What is your ring tone?
Gungan March from Star Wars (sad I know) used to be Marilyn Manson!

43. Message Alert?
Yoda - Message from the dark side there is! (even more sad)

44. Favourite sound?
Laughter especially Napkin's she always cracks me up.

Well that's it hope you got a laugh.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

What a difference a day makes......

.......24 little hours.

Wednesday night off to bed all is well. Thursday morning awoken by the phone at 7a.m. Voice screaming Kerri, Kerri down the phone. After a few startled seconds realised it was my Aunt she had fallen and been unable to get up. Rushed up there, got her picked up and thought she may have broken her leg. Phoned NHS24 , yadda yadda yadda ambulance arrives off to hospital for checks.
Followed her up in the car, am asked to come through and sit with her as she is quite agitated. By now they were suspecting a mini stroke had caused her to fall and they were sending her for a brain scan to confirm. 30 minutes later Doc says "good news its not a stroke but bad news there is a secondary tumour in her brain." Whoa, back up there, what?

How very strange that conversation is - we both understand perfectly well what she is saying as she is telling us but it's so surreal. Doc is wonderful, tells us she knows it's a big shock and do we have any questions? What do you ask? The thing you want to ask is how long?
My Aunt is quite matter of fact, "these things happen" she says. We all knew it'd probably be cancer that would get her in the end, after all she's been a heavy smoker for years but still it seems unexpected.

People may criticise me for sharing this, but I find it quite cathartic to write it down. I'm not looking for sympathy, I just want to put it out of my head for a bit then take it in again more slowly, if that makes sense. It does to me anyway, and I guess that's all that really matters. We are lucky in that we have time, all may it be short, so many people do not. The adage "live each day as if it's your last" seems to have renewed meaning.

There may be some tears, but certainly not from her, it is not in her nature to feel sorry for herself, and I am more than willing to keep laughing with her right till the end.

Sunday, 11 October 2009


Not from my birthday celebrations, but from another bloody bout of cold/flu/sore throat stuff. I seem to be getting more than my fair share this year, think I better get some extra vitamins inside me.

I have been miserable all week, missing out on 2 meetings, a meal with a friend, a trip to the pictures and a friends 80's theme 40th birthday party which I was really looking forward to. It's the busiest my social calendar has been in ages and I missed the lot.

However I am not going to moan on heaps, I have managed to read 2 books this week, both Joanne Fluke murder mysteries. I really enjoy them, they are an easy read with believable characters and a good amount of suspects to keep me guessing for a bit. I usually do figure out who the killer is early on but then I tend to do that with most mysteries.

Also had heaps of postcards this week and some letters from my new found pen pals in Finland, Germany, and America. They really cheered me up.

Thanks to GGOM by the way, for posting about sky player, after a bit of palaver have managed to download some of the episodes from Season 4 of Bones that I missed. Enjoyed opener of Season 5 too, so glad to have it back. What about True Blood folks? - I'm still undecided will give it a couple of weeks. Don't think I'm going to enjoy the new Stargate Universe though, I found it a bit too confusing, however it could just be because I was poorly so will give it another chance too.

Saw a quirky little movie this week too from Lovefilm called "Is anybody there" with Michael Caine. It's about a young boy who lives with his parents in a old peoples home and how disconnected they all are. Cue Michael Caine as a new but reluctant resident who befriends the little boy and tries to bring some life into the place. It was endearing, funny, sad and at times painful but worth the watch. Babes even enjoyed it and I didn't think it would be his type of film at all.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009


Today is my Birthday so I thought I'd show you some of my lovely gifts. I got beautiful handmade cards from my kids and some money plus

lovely body scrub set from my Uncle Billy

gorgeous bag from my bruv Ewan, Sandra, Holly, Rhea and Fern

excellent book I wanted from Babes

yummy jelly snakes and turkish delight from Mouse

neat candy bouquet from Peanut

and my favourite a set of vouchers from Napkin, which I can trade in at a time of my choosing. An excellent gift idea because its so personal and it didn't cost her a penny (she is a poor student after all) She also bought me a bag of my favourite jelly babies but I'm afraid I've scoffed all of them already!!

First and Last

So reports for duty on Tuesday, have to tell them how much money I have on me (security?) am given a key card so as to be able to operate the till. I say hello to another member of staff who asks me if I can see to the magazine returns (no problem have done this hundreds of times in previous jobs). Go behind the counter to stack some returns and the staff member says "cheerio I'm off to do some shopping."

That's it I'm on my own!. There is a supervisor on duty but she is through the back in the office "just buzz if you need me". WTF - Is this the norm nowadays? I would never have expected someone to cope on their own on the first day when I trained staff. I'm all for not looking over someones shoulder, and allowing them to get on with it but I felt as if I'd been thrown overboard without a life jacket.

The store was really busy and I got myself so worked up trying to serve everyone quickly so as not to get queues building up. I was buzzing the supervisor every 5 mins it felt like and people were getting so impatient. I kept apologizing and saying it was my first day could they please bear with me (until I was told not to tell customers it was my first day because they might take advantage of me?)

Some customers were changing their minds about what they wanted, they had some cigarettes on special, and after you'd scanned the brand they'd asked for they would say "Oh whats that ones, I'll have them instead" not really a problem you'd think but I'd have to buzz again to get an entry voided. (we are not allowed to do it ourselves).

Didn't get my break till 3.45 and even then only got 5 mins. I came out at 5p.m and thought right never again.

Perhaps I am being a big girls blouse and perhaps I am not in touch with how things are in the workplace but quite frankly I don't care. I would never treat a trainee member of staff like that so why should I accept it. The staff I met were friendly enough, but the job is obviously not for me!


OK in on Monday for 4 hours training which consisted of 2 hours on selling age restricted products (completing a booklet), then being shown round the front and back of the store. Then the rest of the time on tills (well till as only one was working).

Struggled to get my head round it as the experienced member of staff was so quick. The till has a prompter if you sell an age restricted product (store has an under 25 policy so, even if you look 18 unless you look over 25 you must have ID). I get the point of this and on the whole most regular customers know and understand their policy, and are happy to comply, but there are those who clearly look over 16 or 18 but have no ID and they can get quite pissed when refused.

They also have one of these pay point machines. I really struggled with that. I don't consider myself slow, in fact I'm usually quite a quick learner, but you can do so many different things with this machine. You have to push different buttons according to what the customer wants, phone top up , pay a bill, put money on gas cards, money on these funny fork like things that go into electricity meters, debit card payments, cash back.

Then there's the lottery machine, all singing, all dancing, nobody actually came in to buy the lottery so I couldn't really get proper training on it.

Never mind Tuesday is my first day so I'm sure whoever I'm on with will help me..........

Saturday, 26 September 2009

I got the job!!

I got a call to say I've got the job, and can I go in for training on Monday. So pleased with myself, have now got to go and buy a pair of smart black trousers (shopping yay!) to wear, they will supply the polo shirt but I can wear my red blouse for now.

It is exciting and terrifying at the same time. When I got pregnant with Peanut, I left full time employment and office work, after that I only ever worked part time (off and on) mostly shop work. However, I haven't worked in a shop since 2004 when I went to college, then on to Uni.

I am sure I will pick it up again easily, it's hardly rocket science, but its the thought of the unknown again that scares me. I enjoy working with the general public though and because it's a local shop I will know a lot of the customers.

It's another goal completed on my 101 list too.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Pea soup from a chicken........

Anyone else remember that advert for stock cubes or was it just a Scottish one. There were a whole series of them I think. The wife was called Elspeth I think and there was something to do with a hen night and Tom Jones' "What's new pussycat" but I remember the tag line Pea and ham from a chicken , now that's clever!

Anyway enough of this rubbish, I just wanted to post that I'd made pea soup on Wednesday night and it was delicious - 2 ham stock cubes and a bag of frozen peas what could be simpler.

Got a call yesterday to go for an interview for a job I applied for ages ago. Interview went well so hopefully I'll be successful. It's only 10 hours a week in my local shop but it's something.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Shoestring Alley has posted a lovely recipe for soup which I am going to try but it reminded me of my first attempt at soup making which I though I would share with you.

My Nana and Mum were both great soup makers so when Babes and I moved into our first (owned) flat. My Nana gave me her recipe for Scotch Broth. A relatively simple recipe and having soaked my pulses overnight and rinsed them, I put all my ingredients into my humongous soup pan and put it on at a slow simmer.

Now being the smart (not) person that I was, I thought, it'll be OK to leave it whilst, I just pop round to the shop and get a loaf, then Babes can have a lovely plate of soup when he comes in from work. The shop is just a few doors down and it'll just take me minute. Of course when I get to the shop I meet an old neighbour who wants to know every detail that's happened in our lives in the last 10 years. Not wanting to be rude, I stand chatting, trying to make my excuses and escape but always being asked another question.

Eventually, her bus comes and I can run home to my soup. I open the flat door to a cloud of steam and rush into the kitchen to switch off the gas. I open the window and as the steam clears I notice that my walls are not only wet with condensation but the super "postbox red" paint I had lovingly decorated my kitchen with is running down the walls in streaks.

Needless to say I've never left a gas on again, but my poor kitchen never recovered and had to be repainted. Oh and as for the soup it was disgusting, just a big stodgy mush. To this day I have never made Scotch Broth again.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Turned over a new leaf....

OK its more tree than leaf but you get the idea

My Mother used to always say just "turn over a leaf" when something had gone wrong or upset me, or if she wanted me to change a behaviour, like an untidy bedroom. In other words put it behind you and move on. So I am turning over my new leaf today (granted it's been turned over so many times it's in danger of disintegrating but who's counting)
I weighed myself yesterday and, whilst it is nowhere near where I need it to be, it was not quite as bad as I expected. In fact I'm actually 2lb down from what I was last time so that's actually a boost.
I have taken a couple of days to list everything I want to do and a timescale, a realistic one, that is achievable. I love making lists. Having done that, I am now full of positive energy and raring to go (it's that new leaf I'm telling you, it's got magical powers!) (and no it's not one of THOSE leaf's !)
Menu Planning done, shopping list done, list of things I want to achieve each day this week done, I am so organised it's like a military operation. So "Operation Arse Kick" has commenced with much approval from General Babes, who says the watch word is Proactive not Reactive. This may be a long campaign but we will be victorious!!! (Oooh I feel all Winston Churchill)

So once more into the breach or something like that anyway.

Thursday, 17 September 2009


I am Kerri, I am almost 44 years old, and it is NOT painful.

This is not OLD, this is YOUNG, I intend to live well into my 80's at least so it's time to stop messing about and LIVE my life. There is so much more I want to do, so much more I want to be, so much more I have to give and share with the world.

Only I CAN do it- and I WANT to do it

Normal transmissions will resume shortly!

Wednesday, 16 September 2009


...Where is it?

I am still CHAOTIC, I am still FAT or to be truthful I'm MORBIDLY OBESE, still trying to RESTORE ORDER, and still trying to GET ON THE RIGHT PATH with my life.

What happened to my enthusiasm for life. Why have I settled in to this mundane existence again? Where has the real Kerri gone? I used to be vivacious, I used to jump out of bed in the mornings eager to meet the challenges of the day. I had a purpose.

I've always been a bit chaotic but not like this, things are getting out of hand. Had visits from Shopaholly, her sister Rhea and my brother the other day. Rhea was full of motivation for all the plans they have for the farm. She acts like the Project Manager geeing them all up, organising them, and putting in to action all the ideas. Holly was doing her best (bless her) to motivate me health wise, and my brother was his usual self, full of fun and winding the bloody dogs up.

I love when they visit, and don't see enough of them, but we are going to try and rectify that. I suggested that we all get together for a pot luck day. Everyone brings something either, starter, main or dessert (Holly could bring her delicious cupcakes) and we can just chill and have a good natter. Hopefully the first one will be soon.

That horoscope trait about hating to be alone is so true. I miss interacting with people. I become bored with my own company too easily and I need stimulation or I just shut down.

Think I'm going to take a couple of days, and plan how to get myself back on track, re-motivated and try to find my lost mojo, as it were. It is my birthday soon, and I REFUSE to let this downward spiral continue.

Monday, 14 September 2009

I'm a Diplomat and a Ditherer!

Apow did a post on birth signs and asked others to join in so this is me - a Libra and here's a list of my supposed traits:

On the bright side -
I fall in love easily and love being in love, very romantic - true
Easy-going, charming and pleasant - of course
Dislike being alone - definitely
An excellent party host - think I missed this one, always worried people are bored!
Neat - I think not - Chaotic Kerri!
Loves peace and can see both sides - yes
Hates injustice - this has landed me in hot water several times

On the dark side -
Famously indecisive - don't know if I agree with this or not
Not reliable - definitely disagree except on time keeping, always running late
Bossy and slight perfectionist - Moi?
Not good with money - trying to change
Can swing wildly from one side of the argument to another - don't think I do
Can sit on the fence trying to please all - well I don't like conflict

Well matched with Scorpio which Babes is so I guess that proves it!
According to one website Libras are prone to lumbago, skin diseases and vein disorders - how do they come up with this stuff, oh and strawberries and plums are very beneficial to me!!

Books read

Have been feeling run down this last few days. My body has decided to reject most of what I eat and drink at an alarming rate! enough said. It has given me time to catch up on some reading though, as I haven't managed to venture out of the house.

I finished reading "Octopussy and the Living Daylights" by Ian Fleming. It took me ages despite being such short stories. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy it, I just kept falling asleep after 1 or 2 pages. Not as good a read as "Dr No" but I did enjoy it.

Also read "The five people you meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom. What a book, I couldn't put it down. Apow said it was one of her favourite books and it's definitely joining my top ten list. If you haven't read it do. It is wonderful.

Poor Napkin was let down really badly by some so called friends this week. I never really liked them but it's her choice who her friends are. Just makes me want to scoop her up and shut out all the pain. (also makes me want to go throttle the little f****** but I will restrain myself). Big time TLC is called for - which in her case, the solution is a bowl of Bernard Matthews Mini Kiev's (bleugh), but sometimes processed muck is needed.

Personally my favourite comfort food is "McVities digestives" spread with "Philadelphia Cheese" (light of course). What is your favourite comfort food?

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

I have received an award - my very first, from What'sHappeningAtMyHouse- Thank you so much Caroline.

I have to share 7 interesting facts about myself then nominate 7 other bloggers to pass the award onto.

So here goes 7 interesting facts hmmm -

  1. I was tricked into seeing "Friday the 13th" when I was 15, it scared me so much I looked under my bed every night for years.

2. When I first passed my driving test I used to drive a minibus.

3. On a school trip to Germany as a teenager, I got blood poisoning from an insect bite.

4. Whilst expecting Mouse I had a craving for banana & coleslaw sandwiches! (erlack)

5. Huge "Star Trek" fan, have met Nichelle Nichols (Uhura), even speak a little "Klingon"

6. I have seen a ghost - old railway guard complete with lantern!

7. Smell of popcorn or car air fresheners makes me nauseous.

That was a lot harder than you think it will be. Perhaps No5 is more scary than interesting!! Bit anoraky at least.

Now I have to nominate 7 more bloggers but Caroline has already tagged some of the ones I read (Shopaholly, apieceof wood, and of course herself) so I will tag :

GrumpyGreenOldMan - I love his way of putting the world to right.

HardupHester - Wicked sense of humour and practical advice all in one.

Anyone else who wants to join in feel free.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Love is in the air.........

Babes and I with my big Bruv Ewan, my bezzies Donna & Lynda and cutey pie Shopaholly!
OMG can't believe how baby faced we all look. 23 years on and we're all a little bit fatter (some of us a lot) a little bit greyer (in Babes case a lot - he says it's not a hard life he's had but a hard wife! - cheeky sod) but I don't know if we're any wiser!!!
Had a great day yesterday what with our anniversary and my ordination. Once the ordination ceremony is over the other Elders come out in a procession to shake your hand to welcome you to service. I have known a lot of them since childhood and they kept saying things like "your Mum would be so proud" and "Mum will be looking down on you" needless to say I was blubbing like a right idiot. What an affront!
Anyway, we went to a local Chinese restaurant for lunch to celebrate. (bargain, as we got 2 meals for free thanks to coupons). It was lovely, then we spent the afternoon as a family just vegging out. Bliss!

Sunday, 6 September 2009

No52: Become an Elder at my Church

Another 101 goal completed. Today I am being ordained as an Elder. I am really nervous and can't quite believe it's happening. My best friends think it's hilarious that I'm becoming "respectable" in my old age. (none of them are churchie people)

As I've posted before my Church is important to me but I'm not one to be shoving my beliefs down other peoples throats. My Babes. although a member of the Church (he joined when we got married), is not interested in going to Church and that's fine with me as long as he doesn't mind that I go, which he doesn't.

For the last 3 weeks they've read out an edict about the new elders (there's 3 of us) being ordained, inviting anyone with any objections to bring it to the attention of the Kirk Session. I keep waiting for someone to jump up and shout NO! to my name. (perhaps I should wait till after the ceremony to post just in case!!)

Today is also our 23rd Wedding Anniversary but I will post about that when I come home.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Go check this site!

Found this site by chance this morning whilst reading a Postcrossers profile. Go check this out. What an inspirational idea.

Needless to say I will be sending off a few extra postcards!

Friday, 4 September 2009

Severe weather warnings!

We have been issued with severe weather warnings for our area. Bloody rain. We've only gone and sprung a leak. On a flat roof (typical) on the bay window in the music room. (No we're not that posh, its jut what my Mum used to call it because that was where the piano was) Really pissed off as it looks like we will have to decorate after it is repaired and we really could do without that expense. (shouldn't really moan though, at least we're not like all those poor sods who lost everything in the floods and some are still not back in their houses)

All in all it has been a bit of a shitty week for us. On Tuesday my son failed his bus driving test again (only minor faults, but that's besides the point) He is absolutely gutted. Sadly, it also means he is now unemployed again.

Wednesday our beautiful dog Bubba was very unwell. Throwing up everywhere (bless him though, he always went through to the kitchen to the lino floor, so easily cleaned up) and passing blood in his stool. He had a raging temperature too. He is much improved but we still don't know what caused it. Waiting to hear from the vet. Peanut was in a right state as he considers Bubba to be his boy!

Then later on Wednesday, Babes went to drive my Dad home the car brakes started playing up so it is now off the road awaiting repairs. To top it all off we are also without an oven. Thankfully we are able to use the one in Peanut's kitchen (we have a "granny flat" in the house which Peanut lives in, not that he cooks for himself very often)

As I have posted before, things are quite tight at the moment because of all the upset at Babes work (it is now so bad he has been looking for another job) however the savings we do have were to be used to buy a new bed which we seriously need. Babes has back problems (previously had a discectomy) and needs a good firm mattress to give him the proper support. So the dilemma now is - do we wait for the bed, possibly leading to more pain and discomfort for Babes in favour of repairing the car and replacing the oven or do we get the new bed and continue to use Peanut's oven and do without the car for a couple of weeks.

Could probably claim for the leak and water damage on the insurance, but will have to wait until the bloody rain stops before we can see how bad it is, and the forecast is for persistent heavy rainfall all weekend.

Monday, 31 August 2009


Just a quickie, have received 2 more postcards, from Germany and Italy this time.(They arrived on Saturday, no mail delivery today even though it's not a Scottish holiday) My Taiwan card reached it's destination so I was rewarded with another new address. Poland this time. My other European cards should reach their destinations tomorrow.

Have I mentioned that I'm loving this site?

Read 101 books...

Have finished reading another book. "Awight Now" by Michael Barrymore (17/101). Very interesting read. Doesn't have a lot of nice things to say about tabloid journalists. Tend to agree with him on that point.

Several years ago, when my young nephew died suddenly (ill health, but it is not my story to tell) his parents wanted their grief to remain private. (understandably) The local journalists phoned everyone in the local phone book with the same surname asking if they were related to him and did they want to make a statement?. I have never been so angry in all my life, and told the reporter so, in no uncertain terms. Since then I have very rarely read a newspaper.

Anyway, enjoyed the book and would recommend it. Was at the library on Saturday so have picked up some more reading material.
  1. Octopussy & the Living Daylights by Ian Fleming - only 139 pages for both stories wonder where they got enough for 2 movies.
  2. More than just a Hairdresser by Nia Pritchard - pretty jacket cover caught my eye.
  3. The five people you meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom - title reeled me in.
  4. The Ballroom on Magnolia Street by Sharon Owens - liked the blurb
  5. Peach Cobbler Murder by Joanne Fluke - liked the last one of hers I read, so want to read the rest.
  6. The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult - this one's a talking book, I thought I'd listen to it whilst trying to catch up on a mountain of ironing.

I have a strange way (or maybe not) of selecting books. Often it's the jacket that catches my eye first, sometimes it's the title, then if the blurb sounds good it goes on my list.

Edit, Add, Appreciate Sunday

OK, so it's a day late but I was feeling yucky all afternoon yesterday and didn't want to blog.

Edit one thing - My self doubt, I am always questioning my abilities even when I know I can do something well. Sometimes I can get paranoid about fear of failing. It's very negative and unnecessary. I know I am more than capable of achieving some things so why doubt it. It must stop.

Add something - More time with Mouse. It has been very hectic since she went back to school and I find I am not getting enough time to just sit with her and listen to her news. I have been listening whilst preparing dinner or doing a chore. I want her to have my full attention, so she doesn't feel I'm not interested.

Appreciate something or someone already in your life - Hamish my dog who when I'm feeling ill or down always comes and gives me a cuddle (OK he squashes me) but he is very good at sensing when you need a lift.

Friday, 28 August 2009

All snuffly

I feel like s**t today. Sore throat, snuffly nose and headache. Napkin is ill too, but far worse than me so I spent the day looking after her. Now I'm going to bed with beechams to see if I can sleep it off because I want to go to meet a couple of friends tomorrow.

Napkin lay on the sofa inside her sleeping bag all day and we watched "Day After Tomorrow" and "Dog Soldiers" - just what you need when you're feeling ill a bit of guts and gore!!!

On the plus side I received my first postcard from "Postcrossing" today. A lovely card depicting beautiful buildings in Gent, Belgium, so I thought I'd share it with you. Anyone visited Gent?

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Jewel Quest II

Yippee! Have now completed this damn game. Babes has so kindly (grr garr grr) informed me that he has downloaded the original "Jewel Quest" to his lap top and I am welcome to play it.!!!! As if!!
There is no bloody way I am looking anywhere near it. I was hooked enough on this one. Once I started, there was no way I was letting a computer game get the better of me. He said when I complete it I can "go back and re-play boards that I enjoyed". Is he insane!
What men see in these repetitive games is beyond me. I heard my Uncle telling Babes he has been trying to get past some helicopter in "Quantum of Solace" for months (probably a man type exaggeration but still) Absolutely mental that's what it is.
Now I have beaten the computer and will happily retire the victor and never play one of these infuriating games ever again., and If I do start to blog about one please remind me of this post!

P.S. postcrossing card sent to Washington, USA has been received , got a new address for Oregon in the States, also got a message to say my first card is on its way.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Postcrossing & History Lessons

Kings College Aberdeen

Am loving this Postcrossing. You're allowed to have up to 5 cards travelling at any one time (more if you've been at it for ages) so because 3 of my originals had arrived at their destinations I was allowed 3 more recipients. The new ones were in Vienna, Lithuania and another one for the Netherlands but this time it was a place called Hellevoetsluis (last time it was Rotterdam).
Some people put a preference for the type of picture postcard they want. I don't care but I guess if you've been collecting for a long time you might want different types. Anyway this time I chose postcards according to their requests.

I sent one of "Kings College" in Aberdeen, and thought since the person likes historical buildings they might want to know a bit about it. Had a great time researching "Kings College". They've had 5 Nobel prize winners!, and it's the third oldest university in Scotland. I never knew that and I've lived here nearly all my life!

Another person wanted bridges so I sent a card of the "Glenfinnan Viaduct" (the Harry Potter Bridge as it's also known) researching it I found out that it is over 1000ft long and 100ft high at it's highest points, has 21 arches and that it was the first bridge made entirely of concrete in the world. Not only that but the area where it's built was where Bonnie Prince Charlie took up the standard with the Jacobite's to fight the Clans.

I'm going to get a real education doing this, and it's great because I can discuss it with the kids too. Even researching the humble Scottish Thistle was another history lesson. I already knew it's role in helping Scottish Clans defeat invading Norsemen, but didn't know it was first used as a royal symbol of Scotland on silver coins issued by James III in 1470.

Hope you've enjoyed your little delve into Scottish History . I always enjoyed History but wasn't able to take it at school because it clashed with other subjects on the timetable. GRRR

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Very excited 3 of my 5 initial postcards sent via "Postcrossing" have arrived at their destinations. The Netherlands, Germany and Spain cards have arrived, the ones sent to USA and Taiwan have not been registered as received yet but it can take up to 15 days (so the website says).

That makes me eligible to receive 3 postcards back. Can't wait to see where they're from. Who would have believed I could get such a high from such a simple thing. (OK I know I'm being nerdy but I don't care)

Big thanks go to APOW who posted about this in the first place, and didn't mind when I copied her.

Monday, 24 August 2009


Started reading "A Catered Wedding" by Isis Crawford but couldn't really get in to it so have decided to stop and am now going to read "Awight Now" by Michael Barrymore which is one of the books I got at christmas.

Have connected up the old computer and found some old photos we'd forgotten to transfer over. Some really cute ones of the cats when they were kittens and some of our old dog.

Made a start on cleaning out the cupboard under the stairs. The c**p that was in there! It's been one of those cupboards where you just shove anything in to be out of the way. Will post a photo when it's finished.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Edit, Add, Appreciate Sunday

Edit - I am stopping eating white bread. It's not just that I prefer brown bread but white bread makes me feel ill. I've been doing little experiments and every time I eat white bread I get a headache and upset tummy.

Add - I am going back to wearing earrings every day. I have lots of beautiful earrings that just sit in a box as I only tend to wear them when I'm going out on the town.

Appreciate - My Babes, when I was at church this morning he painted all the woodwork in the front hall. I've been wanting to freshen it up for ages. What a sweetie he is.

Saturday, 22 August 2009


Have had a Facebook account for a while now, but haven't really done anything with it. (didn't know how to, if the truth be told) So last night Napkin sat with me and talked me through it. Had great fun updating info and adding photo's and sorting through Friend requests that I hadn't replied to.

Left a message on nearly every Friends wall and added some new Friends to my list. I am quite impressed with myself. Napkin was very strict about which photo I was allowed to use as a profile photo. Gave me great insight to what she thinks of my fashion sense!. Lot's of "OMG that top is hideous" and "I never liked that on you" "Those trousers are so 80's" (she wasn't even born in the 80's how would she know!!) I think she is more concerned that I don't show her up on her page (typical teenager).

What I want to know is when did I morph into this "old wifie". I still consider myself to be in my prime (all be it more rump than rib), but clearly in my daughter's eyes I have moved on to "old wifie" stage. Think it's time I got the hair dye out again. Perhaps a little too much grey showing these days. I'll never be a "Mrs Robinson" but I'd like to try for a bit of trendy middle aged mum!

Friday, 21 August 2009

Military Tattoo

The Chinese Troupe "She Hou"

Last night's performance was fantastic. It was windy but stayed dry throughout the night.

The massed pipe bands were excellent, playing new compositions and old favourites. When they played "Amazing Grace" at the end it sent shivers down my spine. The drummers ( I always love to see them) played with such speed and dexterity it was staggering. They were playing their own drums, each others and throwing their drumsticks back and forth. The wind was quite strong and some sticks were blown off course but they carried spares. In fact, if it wasn't that you could see the lost drumsticks rolling off down the castle road, you'd have never known they had been dropped.

The Tongan band played lots of familiar tunes and danced a bit of the can can for us. The most spectacular display was by the Chinese "She Hou" troupe. The way those dancers pranced about on their stilts was beyond belief. When the show is shown on TV please try and watch it. Even if you don't like bagpipes (how could you not enjoy a skirl) you could try turning down the sound until the "She Hou" come on.

My only complaint was that the big German behind me had long legs and his knees were sticking in my back all evening (but to be fair there isn't much legroom between the seats).


I am such a copycat, can't see green cheese. Was reading apow's blog and she was posting about "Postcrossing" where you send postcards to random people all over the world. Anyway I've gone and copied her and joined up to. You're allowed to send up to 5 cards on your first go so I was given (the site selects the addresses for you to send your postcards to) Netherlands, USA, Spain, Germany and Taiwan.

Cards are now dutifully sent and I await with much excitement the email to say my cards have been received by the recipients.

It wasn't easy to find postcards locally though (meaning my local post office) They had postcards but they weren't pictures of Aberdeen they were pictures of Braemar and Ballater and even from the Highlands. Now I know some people may not know where Aberdeen is in Scotland but I can assure you it is miles from any of these places.

Our lovely post office manager (Catherine) kindly arranged for some to come from the other post office that the owners have, but although they are pictures of Aberdeen, they're old scenes and not very interesting ones. I have sent them, but will have to seek out better ones for future use.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Edinburgh Castle during the 2008 Military Tattoo
Today we are off to see the Tattoo. It's the second time we've been and I'm really looking forward to it. I really love the skirl of the pipes and the massed pipes and drums makes me swell with patriotic pride.

This year's programme look to be spectacular with the Swiss Drum Corps being one of my most anticipated acts. The Chinese troupe "She Hou" should also be outstanding. The weather forecast is not fab so I'm hoping it will be dry during the performance. We will however be taking black bags to use as capes if the heavens should open. Tonight's performance has a firework display after it and there is supposed to be a fly past as the RAF are taking a big part in this years Tattoo.

All in all I can't wait, and I will be taking extra batteries this year as last year the camera ran out before the end of the display (I was not a happy bunny as I had suggested to Babes that we should take spares and he said it would be fine!!)

I will leave you with a quick clip from last years Tattoo although I apologise for the quality of the video. The sound quality doesn't do it justice either.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Yesterday we watched "Lesbian Vampire Killers" and no its not porn. It's by the guys that do "Gavin & Stacy". What a lot of silly nonsense but amusing too. Don't know that I'd necessarily recommend it but it was certainly better than the Jack Black c**p I saw last month. Kinda more slapstick than anything else. It was one that Peanut had wanted to see from "Lovefilm".

I quite like "Lovefilm" rental because its so easy. The only bad thing is that I've seen a lot of the movies on offer and the ones I do want to see can sometimes be on the long wait list. Anyone else out there use them?

I am waiting to see Nicolas Cage's "Knowing" as I missed it in the cinema, also "Valkyrie" with Tom Cruise. If anyone has seen them can you tell me what you thought of them.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

My baby's all grown up!

Mouse and Peanut (napkin still in bed lazy moo)

My baby has gone off this morning, to the big school, leaving her Mum blubbing over her morning cuppa. I can hardly believe that my youngest is starting the Academy. I was camera mad snapping heaps of photos to remind her of her first day. She told me to stop behaving like a paparazzi (charming!)
I'm happy, sad, excited and terrified all at once. Can't wait for her to get home to hear all about her day. She is so excited and went off quite the thing with her brother, who was going to walk with her part of the way, before he heads off to work. There are 2 kids from her old primary in her class (one boy and one girl) so she does know somebody, but she made a couple of friends during the induction day so is looking forward to meeting them again too. (even if she can't remember their names)

She wanted to wear her Grandma's necklace though so her Grandma would be with her (so a bit nervous perhaps) Funny when I'm nervous about going somewhere I wear my Mum's rings on a chain (she had slender fingers unlike my fat sausages) round my neck so I have her with me too.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Edit, Add, Appreciate Sunday

As posted on Caroline's blog (whatshappeningatmyhouse) Here are my choices for this week.
Edit one thing: Sorted out and passed on old primary school uniform of Mouse's (still in good condition) to a friends daughter still at primary.
Add something: Lavender, I have some growing in the front garden and every time I walk up or down the path I rub it in my hands to get the scent.
Appreciate something or someone already in your life: "Nuntie" Pat - a friend of my Mum's who is always there with a cuddle and words of comfort should I need them.

Some photo's for fun

Assorted glasses of water I have guzzled over my month. I was drinking about 12 - 30 glasses a day depending on which glass I was using. Not to mention mugs of hot water.

My much loved herbal teas that I am so delighted to be able to enjoy again

No.89 of my 101list is to post photo's of all completed tasks. As previously posted I am behind in this having completed 15 tasks but only published 6 photo's. So here is a couple to represent completeing No. 25 Drink water only for a month which was completed 13/8/09. That brings No.89 up to (7/101).

Some CSI stuff

GGOM was asking about the DNA spit kits my Babes has to carry as part of his work, (as a bus driver) So just for him and anyone else who may be interested here is a photo of same.

I am Sober!

Yes, I was quite merry after only 2 drinks but it was Cointreau (which is 40% proof). I really enjoyed them though (possibly more so after my month of only water) It was quite funny, I was sitting quietly enjoying my drink and reading my book (Key lime Pie Murder) whilst Babes was watching a movie, I got up to go get a tissue and I actually wobbled (and not just my flabby bits). What a lightweight.
GGOM had made me laugh with his comment about his wife having to undress him last time he got hammered, and it reminded me there is a photo of me taken after my 23rd birthday party where I'm lying passed out drunk still in my coat and clutching a chicken drumstick to my chest. Not a pretty sight but the kids think its hilarious. (May just scan and post it, give you all a laugh!)
Have finished reading another 2 books, I'm flying through them at the moment. "Key Lime Pie Murder" by Joanne Fluke; a good, if a bit predictable, murder mystery but with the added bonus of delicious cookie recipes. Made my mouth water frequently (not a good look, drooling whilst reading!). It's part of a whole series of books based on a woman who owns her own bakery and solves murders in her spare time. Seems a bit "Midsummer Murders" in that the small village has a very high murder rate but the characters are fun and it was an easy read. Will definitely look out for more in the series when I'm back at the library.
Also read "Murder Most Fab" by Julian Clary. Not sure about this one. He's a very descriptive writer and I could visualise the characters really easily and the story was full of twists and turns with lots of showbiz name dropping and luvvies. The main character is gay and the story is based on his life through 4 stages. When he is young and living with his mother, a left over flower power child (damaged, it would appear, from too many highs). His time as a rent boy and them becoming a famous TV star and finally his fall from grace, I found it an easy read but I'm undecided if I like it or not.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

A cup of herbal tea!

Bliss my water challenge is over thank goodness. No.25 Drink only water for a month is completed (whoop whoop) It was fab to have a cup of orange & lotus blossom green tea this morning. It was the best I ever tasted. I've really missed my herbal teas.

I'm so proud of myself for completing this challenge even though it took a couple of attempts. Not one I'd rush to do again though, not that I don't enjoy water, but it's nice to be able to drink something else if I fancy it. Although, I will still be drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day just as I always have but I'll supplementing that with my herbal teas, juice, pop, milk or whatever takes my fancy.

Tonight I'm having alcohol (can't even remember when I last had a drink). Not sure what yet, despite very rarely drinking (might as well be teetotal really) I do have a well stocked drinks cupboard in case any guests want. Will post when I've had my tipple, although it's been so long I may be quite merry after just one!! so it might not be until tomorrow I post.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Major Rant

Babes is a bus driver, and his company wants to make a load of changes to working conditions which in a nutshell will mean more work over longer hours for less money. As a result the union have had them out on strike and working to rule and the like (none of which Babes has wanted but he will not cross a picket line)

It's a on going saga and the local paper has been adding fuel to the fire by reporting all sorts of rubbish regarding demands being made by the union and the drivers. The thing that is getting me all riled up is that for some reason some people think bus drivers are a lower class of citizen and therefore they have the right to abuse them. Calling them all sorts of disgusting names and throwing things at them. A little old lady who looked like butter wouldn't melt got on the bus screamed greedy bitch in the face of a young female driver (thanks to the headlines in the paper) and threw her newspaper in the drivers face. The poor girl had only been with the company for a few months and was so shocked she was trembling.

I will hold my hands up and say that before my hubby started working as a bus driver I complained like many others about the timetables (or sometimes apparent lack of them) but never directly to a driver and I was never rude to a driver or didn't say thank you when I got off the bus.

Having now seen it from the other side I can see that drivers can be easily thrown off schedule by not being able to get round a roundabout due to heavy traffic, or a hold up when a passenger having stood waiting for a bus waits until they get on it to count out the money needed for their fare (even when they know how much the fare will be) Buses are not supposed to move until all passengers are seated or standing safely. It only takes a hold up of 10 mins to throw the whole timetable off (that's how tight the timetables are). When there is 20 people at a bus stop waiting to get on it takes time to load them,(especially with the new ticket machines) and that's made longer if there's a buggy to load or a person with lots of shopping (my Babes is one of the good drivers who gets out to help mum's with their buggies and old ladies with their shopping carts). If a wheelchair user gets on the drivers need to get out and pull out the ramp to help them (not that its a problem but it all adds a little extra time on to the trip which can in turn make the buses run late)

Everyone is entitled to be hacked off at having to wait ages for a bus but why would it be acceptable to abuse the driver (and I'm not talking about moaning about the time spent waiting) as if they deliberately set out to run late and spoil every ones day. They don't like running late anymore than Joe Public likes it. You wouldn't believe the grief that the drivers can get sometimes.

Yesterday there were 2 buses running together, so in order to get back on time Babes was told to "blank up" (drop off only no pick ups) so that the other bus in front could pick up passengers allowing the bus Babes was driving to get ahead a bit and thereby putting the service back on time. So he stopped back from the stop to let passengers off and an older lady (although she was not behaving like a lady) came to get on Babes bus. He politely told her that the bus in front was picking up and she should get on it as he was dropping off only. She gave him a right mouthful and told him she would get on any effing bus she wanted. Babes told her that if she carried on swearing she would not be allowed on the bus (company policy) so she sat down still moaning and then he heard another passenger telling her to take his number and report him WTF!

Were you aware that drivers carry DNA swab kits as part of their uniform as they get spat at so much ? (although this has decreased since the kits were issued and some people prosecuted I believe) Nearly all buses are all fitted with CCTV cameras for driver/passenger protection, and the newest ones are also fitted with bandit screens. Babes has been shot at by an air rifle, had bricks thrown at the bus windows, some drugged up idiot once even tried to attack him through the small side window (he slammed the window shut on the guys arm, and that soon stopped him)

Another passenger had a right go at Babes because it was raining and she had got wet (the bus was on time too) because of course he had made it rain and made her come out without a jacket on.!!!!!

Now to balance the books as it were I will also admit that not every driver out there is a good one. Some of them can be rude and ignorant but there are more good than bad. Same goes for the passengers, Babes has some cracking regulars on his routes that he has a right laugh with.

Old ladies that give him sweeties (he could charm the birds down from the trees my Babes) young mums that thank him profusely for his help with unloading the buggies and or shopping, or holding on to their babies for them. Even a regular who he drops at the pub at lunchtime then picks him up again after 2 hours and he's off his face but still jovial and friendly. On a Friday or Saturday late shift he'll get the young lasses away into town for a night on the tiles begging to steal his tie or get a kiss, the usual flirting rubbish that groups of girls seem to do when they're boozy. (not that Babes minds that bit!!)

Anyway I've calmed down in the time it's taken me to write my rant so I'll go now and relax with a cup of hot water! (roll on tomorrow I think I may even have some alcohol to celebrate the end of the challenge) Sorry if I've bored you but sometimes I just get my dander up.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Reading Frenzy

Sorry for the lack of posts have been engrossed in books. Have now finished both "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer, books 3 & 4 of the "Twilight" saga. (14/101)

I just couldn't put them down. Peanut starting reading them when I started book 2 and he finished reading book 3 last night whilst I finished book 4 this morning. Like me once he starts a book series he can't wait to get to through them all.

Got breakfast in bed from Babes so as I could finish reading (what a sweetie). Am getting desperate for a cup of tea now (water challenge almost over), I'm not really a tea hand only having a cup now and again but obviously because I can't I really want. (Isn't that always the way)

No.42 Put all my CD's on the computer; is now completed. Photo to follow shortly. The kids and Babes are never done connecting their iPods to the computer to upload and update. It's quite funny how so much of my music (moaned about when I played it) is now on their iPods.

Watched "Flushed away" with Mouse last night. That movie is so funny (really didn't fancy it when it was in the cinema) I think it's the singing slugs that do it. The "Le Frog" character is played by Jean Reno (the French Army guy in Godzilla) I love his accent.

Anyway time for lunch so I'll post more later. Corn on the Cob for lunch Yum Yum!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

More books and more 101

Finished reading "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer today and have rented the 3rd book "Eclipse" from the library, so will start it tonight. I am loving these books, can't put them down. I think the 2nd film is out later in the year. That's me up to 12 books in my 101 challenge.

No61. Try a new food once a month - this hasn't been happening regularly enough but today I had kidney beans and flagelot (think that's how it's spelled) beans in a bean salad first time for both so I'm up to (5/33)

Miscalculated my water challenge days so I have in fact only got 8 days left. (Yay!) Having restarted on the 13th of July and doing it for 31 days (month). Still haven't decided who's getting the £10 fail payment but will sort it soon. Thought I might give it to a local "Big Issue" seller.

No.88 Post a photo for every task completed. Have noticed that I have fallen behind with this having actually completed 13 tasks and only posted 6 photos. Will rectify this as soon as possible.

Mum Quiz

I read over on "Whatshappeningatmyhouse" a quiz she'd seen on another blog for your kids. I thought it was fun so asked my 3 kids to complete it. Here is the quiz and their answers. Should perhaps point out that Peanut is 21, Napkin is 18 and Mouse is 12. My comments on their responses are in the brackets.

1. What is something Mum always says to you?
(P) Give us a hug
(N) Will you be home for tea?
(M) You're beautiful

2. What makes Mum happy?
(P) When we're happy
(N) Family Outings
(M) Reading a book in peace

3. What makes Mum sad?
(P) When we're sad
(N) Thinking about Grandma
(M) Being ill

4. How does your Mum make you laugh?
(P) When she says count to 10 without laughing
(N) Telling me to count to 10 without laughing then making faces
(M) By singing (I'm so tone deaf)

5. What was your Mum like as a child?
(P) Trouble causer (gee thanks hun! think you'll find that was your Uncle Ewan)
(N) Me
(M) Very like me

6. How old is your Mum?
(P) 44
(N) 43 (don't you guys know I stayed at 39!)
(M) Ancient

7. How tall is your Mum?
(P) 5ft 2"
(N) Don't know (I'm actually 5ft 6")
(M) 5ft 9"

8. What is her favourite thing to do?
(P) Moan at her children
(N) Watch CSI Miami
(M) Read a book

9. What does Mum do when you're not around?
(P) Play PC games
(N) Tidy more
(M) Housework

10. If your Mum became famous what would it be for?
(P) Writing a book about domestic things (eh?)
(N) Her blog
(M) Being cool

11. What is Mum really good at?
(P) Reading
(N) Writing
(M) Being my Mum (aw)

12. What is Mum not very good at?
(P) Singing
(N) Jewel Quest! (sadly all very true)
(M) Telling jokes

13. What does Mum do for a job?
(P) Clean the house
(N) Housewife
(M) Her job is being my Mum

14. What is your Mum's favourite food?
(P) Mushrooms
(N) Asparagus
(M) Bolognaise

15. If your Mum was given 1 wish what would it be?
(P) To have all the debt cleared
(N) Win the lottery
(M) My Grandma still alive

Quite interesting answers I thought. We cetainly had a laugh. Have a go with your kids or parents and see how you get on.


Monday, 3 August 2009

No34. Read 101 books

Just finished reading "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. Had already seen the film, my daughters are big into vampire tales, or rather ones with "good" vampires.

Anyway my niece Rhea recommended it to me and I must say I really enjoyed it. Found it way more interesting than the film, although I like the soundtrack a lot. Have the second book "New Moon" too so will make a start on that tonight.

Only 11 days to go on my water challenge, am beginning to crave a glass of milk, not sure why as obviously I have milk with my cereal, when I eat that for breakfast.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Computer Games

Just to even the books, this is a post probably more suited to men.

I do not like computer games!. Don't get me wrong I've tried them. When Babes got his "PlayStation" and ventured in to the world of "Spyro the Dragon" I was intrigued, joined in the fun and had a go. The fact that the kids and Babes kept laughing their heads off at my efforts (it really does work much better if you move your whole body and not just the control when you want the dragon to turn or jump!) did little to further my interest in the game so I gave up.

When he got a "Gameboy Advance" I played "Tetris" for about a week then again lost interest. I had decided it was not for me this world of technology it's a man's and young peoples area of expertise.

When the "Colin Macrae Rally" games came out I watched intently for maybe 3 days as they (Babes and Peanut) raced each other in various cars and I even watched for a couple of hours when they battled it out in "Lord of the Rings" but on the whole they bore me. I cannot see the point in spending your time repeating tasks/levels over and over again to entertain. The most I ever do is very occasionally play "Sudoku" on my phone if I'm waiting in the car to pick someone up and even then, only if I haven't got a book.

So, when Babes said I've downloaded this game for you on to the computer I grudgingly said (as cheerfully as I could muster, giving the ongoing saga of my previous post) I would have a go. It's called "Jewel Quest II". Well now I'm bloody furious at him as I'm hooked on the damn thing.

The first night I played it, I was up to 4.30a.m. (I know, I can't believe it myself) playing the bloody thing. It's like I sit down at the computer to do the banking or blogging or research and it's there, calling to me (kerri, Kerri ,KERRI you know you want me). Imagine being hooked how pathetic am I, but I can't walk away, I MUST complete it.

Since today is such a wash out here, and I've done my morning chores, I'm going on again. The kids are all occupied, Babes is blowing shit up on his "X Box" and the dogs are resting after their morning romp. If I can just complete the sodding thing I can forget about it and leave it alone.

Right now though, I'm like a moth to a flame, "I can't help it, the light is just so pretty" If I'm not back blogging within a week, send out the search parties (or perhaps the Dustbuster) as I will be stuck in the computer chair with my hands glued to the mouse (computer one, not my daughter)eyes propped open with matchsticks, covered in cobwebs. Kx

Warning - ladies only post!

OK guys you've been warned this is a post about downstairs problems so if you don't want to know the score look away now!

Right, what is going on in my body! All my life my monthly visits have been bad. Getting worse after each birth. I have a 3 week, full 7 day cycle and it knocks me sideways for the first 2 days every time. Now I've come to terms with this, it's predictable, reliable, you could set your watch kinda thing.

However, last month my "friend" arrived late, visited for only 3 days, and didn't make much of an effort to join in the fun. Then 10 days later back she came with a vengeance. Hot water bottle, and painkillers time like normal, so I'm thinking must have been just a blip. NO, she only stayed 4 days and then took off again. Am I reaching the dreaded "M" word. OMG surely not. I do not want to venture in to this world of mood swings (Babes says I do that anyway), hot flushes, HRT and god knows what else.

I already have odd hairs sprouting in "manly" places i.e. fingers, toes chin etc, but as so many of my friends also do and I have an excellent pair of tweezers, I can live with this. The weight fluctuations and acne ( is my body hankering back to puberty, I mean really!) are not so acceptable side effects. The good news is I may be about to move away and leave my friend (after all I've been loyal for nearly 30 years) but do I really want to have to make new friends instead! I don't think so!!

Any wise woman words of knowledge or comfort would be gratefully accepted. Then again if you just want laugh your head off at my predicament that's fine too - just remember like the "Nike Belly" (or was it Reebok) it's "gonna get you" too! (and yes I mean you Miss Holly, I can hear that tittering from here)

Grumpy Chaotic Kerri signing off, so it's safe to look now guys.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

More chaos

We are having one of Mouse's friends for tea (personally I'd rather have spag bol, sorry couldn't resist) and a sleepover. However the girls have decided they'd like a camping sleepover so I have to try and find a tent substitute (our tent is to big to put up in her room). Blankets I have, but finding someway of propping them up in her room is a challenge.

I guess I should be thankful they don't want a beach party sleepover. We made a beach inside when she was little with sandcastles in the sand pit, basins of water to paddle in and towels to lie under the spotlights for sunbathing. It was great fun but took ages to hoover up all the spilt sand.

Anyway it's good to have friends over, but when these two get together it's usually a late night for all. Here's hoping it's not too bad tonight. At least there's no drink involved in their get togethers. Am pretty sure Napkin is still slightly hung over given the amount they drank at the weekend.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Hectic weekend again

This weekend our beautiful Napkin turned 18, whoop whoop. She celebrated in style by having 2 nights out with different groups of friends. Needless to say she is still in bed sleeping it off. Our son Peanut also decided to have a "boys night in" on Saturday. I can't remember the last time our house was so full. The doorbell was going off every 10 mins (perhaps a slight exaggeration but at least every 12!).

Why is it that teenagers all come round to 1 persons house to get ready. Surely getting ready at home means you have more space and don't have to fight over the bathroom. Napkin had 6 people here getting ready on Saturday night and 8 on Sunday night (2 of which had showers here). Add to this Peanut's mates (10 of them at one point) all trying to use the bathroom.

Then we had the crashers, Peanut had 2 mates staying over, and Napkin had 3 on Saturday and 1 last night. There were heaps of (well some) people invading the kitchen looking for breakfast/cups of tea/someone to talk to as others were still asleep. Don't get me wrong I'm glad their friends are comfortable enough to join us but it does lead to more chaos which I'm supposed to be reducing!

Our snake eggs all turned out to be infertile, but our chosen expert, Jodie from "East Coast Exotics" tells us that it was like a trial run and she should lay more eggs in 4 - 5 weeks. According to the book rat snakes can lay anything from 5 to 40+ eggs in a single clutch. I hope Robin's is a small clutch.

Finished reading 2 more books this weekend. You want to do what? by Karen Sullivan, a book about parenting dilemmas - excellent read. Also, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, a book Holly loaned me about daring to be different. It's only 192 pages long so I read it in a morning, it's a quirky little story and most enjoyable.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Quick Post

Babes' rat snake has laid eggs (we thought they were both boys hence they were called Batman & Robin) Have filmed an egg being laid for Babes as he is working. I am not putting my hand in to retrieve them to put them in the incubator, so when Babes comes home I will get them moved and try to upload the film and/or some photos.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

101 in progress

No.19 Visit an extended family member. Went yesterday to visit another of my Mum's cousins. She lives in Maud a teeny village about 25 miles north west of Aberdeen. We had another gorgeous day for driving and the countryside was just beautiful.

She made us a lovely lunch of summer holiday soup (N061. try a new food every month) served with oatcakes and fresh raspberries with yogurt. Delicious. She grows her own veg (though in much smaller quantities now she's in her 70's) and gave me some peas in the pod, they were oh so sweet and juicy. She also gave me some to take home to Babes (they're his favourite) and I did just manage to resist the temptation to scoff them on the way home.
"Summer holiday soup" is a vegetable soup made with carrot, onion, parsnip, broccoli, leek and courgette all whizzed up in the blender. It was really yummy and I will be trying to make it myself very soon.
Got some seeds from her purple lupin for my garden. Lupins are my favourite flower and I adore all the different colours. In my ideal garden I would have loads of lupins running like a rainbow up the sides of my path.