Friday, 28 August 2009

All snuffly

I feel like s**t today. Sore throat, snuffly nose and headache. Napkin is ill too, but far worse than me so I spent the day looking after her. Now I'm going to bed with beechams to see if I can sleep it off because I want to go to meet a couple of friends tomorrow.

Napkin lay on the sofa inside her sleeping bag all day and we watched "Day After Tomorrow" and "Dog Soldiers" - just what you need when you're feeling ill a bit of guts and gore!!!

On the plus side I received my first postcard from "Postcrossing" today. A lovely card depicting beautiful buildings in Gent, Belgium, so I thought I'd share it with you. Anyone visited Gent?

1 comment:

GGOM said...

looks very dreamy almost fairy tale like