No61. Try a new food once a month - this hasn't been happening regularly enough but today I had kidney beans and flagelot (think that's how it's spelled) beans in a bean salad first time for both so I'm up to (5/33)
Miscalculated my water challenge days so I have in fact only got 8 days left. (Yay!) Having restarted on the 13th of July and doing it for 31 days (month). Still haven't decided who's getting the £10 fail payment but will sort it soon. Thought I might give it to a local "Big Issue" seller.
No.88 Post a photo for every task completed. Have noticed that I have fallen behind with this having actually completed 13 tasks and only posted 6 photos. Will rectify this as soon as possible.
The books are addictive huh? Knew you would be hooked as soon as you read the first one. Rhea
You're right Rheezer,I find it very difficult to put them down. How many more are there? AKx
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