Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Laugh - I nearly wet myself.........

Has anybody else seen Miranda on the Beeb. If you haven't give it a look in, it's hysterical. Comedienne Miranda Hart calls it a semi autobiographical portrayal of her life. The social ineptitude of this woman is beyond words. Well done Miranda on a brilliant piece of comedy.
She desperately wants to get it on with an old friend she's fancied for years but all attempts to create a "moment" between them are thwarted, usually by her. Last night saw her stuck in a plastic child's chair, running and falling flat on her face, trying to learn to Tango (and pouncing on some poor unsuspecting customer in her shop) and being mortally embarrassed by her Mum who is trying to find her a husband in the personal ads, and keeps trying to show her photos from her nudist holiday.

I'm not doing it justice so please have a look in.

Another thing that had me in stitches last night was Kim Woodburn's challenge on "I'm a celebrity get me out of here". She was sealed in a perspex box and put under water where they dropped yabbies and cockroaches on her along with golden balls she had to open and retrieve stars from.
Her conversation all the time she was in the box , telling the nasty critters "oh you stink you nasty beggars" and "if you bite me again I'll bite you back" had my sides aching with laughter. I think she's a real character anyway, and love the way she interacts with the others. Whether it's all a put on who knows but it's certainly entertaining. Good on you Kim, not bad for a 67 year old.
Don't know if I'll continue to watch the series now Jordan's arrived, I'm afraid I find her insufferable. I would have thought given her son Harvey's recent health scares she had more need to be staying out of the lime light for a while and focusing on him, but then again maybe in reality she's not the attention seeking hussy she appears to be.

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