Monday, 10 November 2008

Fab Food bad plates.................

Not long back from the Chinese Restaurant. As always had a fab meal. We go probably once a month so the staff know us. We were having a great time then when I went to get my plate for my next course (It's a buffet place and the plates are stacked on warming racks ) I picked up my plate only to find it was roasting hot and I nearly threw it on the floor. I managed to put it on the table and picked it up again using a wad of napkins.

I wasn't the only one to get a roasting either. Others were picking up plates and throwing them hot potato style from hand to hand then copying my napkin trick. We told the manager and having checked he switched off the plate warmer.

When I got back to the table my hand was still stinging and on examination I found I had actually received a nasty burn on my hand, The staff very kindly gave me some ice cubes which I wrapped in tissue and held in my palm. It was still smarting by the end of the meal but at least there was no blister. I am left with a small red blotch on my hand but no permanent damage thank god.

I'm off for a quick nap before my brother arrives so that I'll be fit to share the driving.


Secret Trip........

Secret trip is no longer secret. My brother blabbed. Basically we are off tonight to London, to go and attend a surprise diamond anniversary celebration for my Uncle and Aunt in Essex tomorrow. It was also supposed to be a surprise to my Dad that we were coming down to go with him to the party but as I say my big bruv talked.

Never mind should still be fun. The whole family has been invited to the party but unfortunately due to work commitments etc only my brother and I can attend from Scotland. My Aunt and Uncle have no idea that all the brother's , sister's and their families have been invited not to mention all the cousins. My brother and I have not seen most of our English rellies in more than 20years, should be a great reunion.

We are heading off at 10p.m tonight in order to get there and have time to have a sleep before we go the party as it's an hour and a half travel time (if traffic is good) from my Dad's place to the party venue.

It's Friday........

At least it was when I typed this. Today is my Babes birthday. He was on an early shift today so I haven't actually seen him yet. I think I did mumble something indistinguishable as he said so good bye but will be all bright eyed and bushy tailed when he comes home.

We are going out for tea at his favourite buffet style Chinese restaurant. All except our youngest Mouse who is away to Aviemore for the weekend for the National Children's Assembly. She was so excited, but when we got to the train station the other girls going from our church were all in sobbing mode. She had a little blubber too, but it seemed more to fit in with the others than really wanting to cry. However, she is away safely, and full of excitement again. We have had 3 texts from her already and she's only been gone 20 mins.

Out of time.........

Ok so you may have noticed that last posting was out of date sequence. This is because our computer crashed as I was trying to upload it on Thursday. Have been offline till today but now have new router so all updates will be posted under today's date.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Aww aint it cute...........

Last night the rabbits joined the mad house so as to protect them from being scared at the fireworks. They were in the kitchen for the night (lino floor incase of mishaps) and were quite contented hopping about the floor and eating their greens. The kittens were fascinated by them and kept nosing about at the rabbit food to see if it was worth them having a nibble too.
So during the evening we go into the kitchen to find not only the rabbit and the kitten sharing a drink but one of the dogs as well. If only we'd had the camcorder charged might have made £250 on "You've been framed"
Sudden trip to a secret destination may be on the cards, my brother has just called with a secret travel plan (sounds very 007ish doesn't it) but it's just that I can't blog it incase the wrong person reads it. All will be revealed tomorrow.
Saw Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Brendan Fraser Version) today, good family type yarn. Sometimes it's nice to watch a movie that doesn't challenge you.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Here's Kerri ......

Hello Hello I'm back. So sorry for the blog lapse. Many things going on so you better get comfortable as it's going to be a long read. First of all thanks to those who have enquired after me. It's nice to think we have strangers who are friends and miss our ramblings. I know I like to catch up with whats going on with all of you.
Okay October goals - FAIL, FAIL, FAIL the only one achieved was no spending days. I actually managed about 9 (nearly double target) as I've not been out much.
Drinking only water for a month - this did not happen but not far off. Had a couple of slips, went to a church coffee morning and was so caught up in chatter that I'd had half a cup of coffee before I remembered. However have managed to drink only hot water at church since. Also went out for lunch with my son and took a coughing fit so gulped a couple of mouthfuls of his coca cola to appease my throat. Then on the 27th I had a blowout and drank a McDonald's Banana milk shake. I was feeling sorry for myself and needed a "bad for me fix". Therefore task failed £10 to charity. I will however, be attempting this task again, but not until the New Year as I need my hot chocolate on these cold nights.
Lose 8lbs - Miserable fail on this have put on 4. My heart has not been in it and have been comfort eating. This is very bad as Christmas approaching and do not want to look dreadful in Christmas Photos. Will tackle again this month. Will not be paying £10 to charity for this one, as not an actual task, but will give extra food to instant neighbour scheme, as a punishment for going off rails.(will make me feel better that at least I'm helping someone)
Start exercise routine - started but did not stick to it. Lost heart. Same with set up menu planning and stick to it - started well but fell by the wayside after couple of weeks. All in all October not a good month but I do have a excuse, at least it's not an excuse but a reason for losing heart.
As those of you who have read my previous posts know, my Mum died on the 1st of May, The 27th of October would have been her 72nd birthday and the 1st of November, 6 months since she passed. My Mum was an amazing lady (as are all Mums) but she coped with such adversity in her life. She was diagnosed with throat cancer at the age of 13, after extensive surgeries to save her life (all pioneering stuff at the time) she had a post operative stroke at age 16.
Never once did my Mum let her disability get in the way of things she wanted to do in life. She met and married my Dad, had my brother and me and did everything for us. She learned to drive and worked as Nursery Teacher most of her life. She went back to college and did a secretarial and shorthand course in her late 40's. She helped look after her grandchildren and all 6 of them have special memories of things Grandma taught them to do. She needed a lot of help in the latter years of her life but we were very grateful that, with the wonderful help from our GP's and District Nurses, she was able to stay at home till the end.
Now I don't mean this to be a depressive posting, I just wanted to tell you what's been going on. As with others who have lost loved ones, you'll know the firsts are always the hardest, first birthday, Christmas, anniversaries etc. I just wanted to put down in print what I was feeling as much to help me with my healing process as anything else. My Mum was a Mum in a million, and I miss her greatly. However, if she was here she would give me a good kick up the arse (well at least the ankle as she couldn't have reached my arse) and tell me to get on with things. It's right and proper that I should miss her but not that I should feel so sorry for myself. I have been very down this last couple of weeks and it's time I pulled myself together and got on with it.
So if you've kept reading to the end, thanks again for letting me ramble. Normal blogging will resume and I will pick myself up and dust myself down (adding more to the pile of dust that has accumulated on every surface recently) and bloody well get on with it. Time to re-read my positives list I think, then work out my November goals.
For those of you asking about my CREDIT CARDS, paid them off by taking out a consolidation loan, not the best way we know, but we were only paying extortionate interest charges not actual bills. This way we have a very low interest rate and are able to pay the loan off quicker. Definitely a boost in today's credit climate I think.
The car is back on the road, as is Peanuts, however he has also bought another car so that he can pass the first one on to his sister who will hopefully pass her test soon.
Happy 5th of November to you all, and if you're having fireworks be careful and ensure your pets are safely inside. Even our rabbits come inside tonight. Here's a photo of them in better weather.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Girlie Nights......

Off for a Girlie Night tonight to relax and catch up on the gossip. I am going to my friend A's new house for the first time so looking forward to the tour. Her houses are always beautiful and emmaculate not at all like mine. Also doing the driving so I can stay on the water (had a couple of slips will tell all tomorrow) and am giving a lift to another friend S who loves her vino and is likely to be very pissed by the time I drive her home. She is always a scream drunk or sober so should be a fun night, Just what the doctor would order I think.

On a yucky note Banana has had to take her belly button piercing out as its gone all lumpy and disgusting. Hopefully she will have had enough of piercings now (her one at the top of her ear went yucky too). Then again she never stopped playing with it "bad girl".

Thursday, 16 October 2008

R.I.P Tai

Sorry I've not been blogging but our beautiful Bearded Dragon Tai was ill and needed a lot of care and attention. Sadly it was to no avail and our little lady died yesterday.

She was our first exotic pet. She had been badly treated before we got her and after she had been initially nursed back to health by our exotic supplier Jodie we took her on as a rescue. She blossomed and began to lay eggs again. A sure sign that her calcium levels were back up and she was thriving. We were absolutely delighted, she loved a cuddle and a bath, and to run about the floor with the other beardies.
Unfortunately in her last cycle she became egg bound and this sadly led to her death. We had sought advice from our vet and Jodie and tried everything. She died in Babes arms (her favourite cuddling place) and she will be very sadly missed.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Oooh I feel so good.......

Just a quickie (ooh er missus) We have paid off our credit cards and our store card. Will post more later. I'm off singin in the rain!!!!!

My Kingdom for a car....

Now before I get pounced on for being bad to the environment and reminded of how many people manage without cars, I just want a little moan well actually a big one. Our car is off the road and will be most of this month. No problem we decided to do it so thats all good.

However, the deal was that I would walk or bus everywhere but when I needed any big shopping, Peanut would take me in his car or, when it was my turn for the choir run I would borrow his car. Still sounding good!.

Why oh why then did Peanut crash his car and put it off the road!!!. I am not being a heartless Mother, I made sure he was OK first, then that no one else was hurt. Then I went ballistic. Why do young drivers think they know it all. He was driving in the rain and took a corner too fast, skidded, spun out and hit a wall. No damage done to the wall but the wheels are wrecked on the drivers side and the bodywork dented a bit.

Like I said I can walk and bus but what about the big stuff. Thanks to my niece (not Holly but her equally kind and talented sister Rhea who drives) I got my dog food picked up and delivered. Obviously with 3 dogs we buy in bulk and its kinda hard to take a 25kg bag on crowded busses.

For everything else I am reduced to shopping at my local spar (not that there's anything wrong with Spar but it's not friendly to my budget) What's more I'm going to have to help bail Peanut out as he cannot afford to buy wheels and tyres in the same week. So right now I'm being ungreen and sulking.


Thursday, 2 October 2008

Supernanny where are you?.......

Mouse is having a hard time just now. Not at school thank goodness but at home her temper tantrums have been horrendous. We have always done the reward system with the kids but lately it's not working and sometimes I just have to walk away.

We tried the naughty step tonight and after a screaming match and twice walking away she finally calmed down. I don't really like this method but I may have to resort to it for a while till my daughter gets past this phase.

I know she is just playing up just now because she is feeling insecure after the death of her Grandmother but we can not let her think that this sort of behaviour is acceptable no matter what the siuation. We give her lots of cuddles, one on one time and praise her often but when she kicks off the whole world knows about it. Any other parents got any advice on how to deal with this.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

30 days hath September.....

I am so glad they're past. September was good and bad. Some goals completed, but some that should have been started have not been. I am very annoyed that I have not started my exercise routines properly.
So October goals -
  1. Start exercise routines
  2. Drink only water for a month
  3. Have 5 No spending days
  4. Set up Menu Planning and stick to it
  5. Loose at least 8lbs

Not been to great at keeping blogs up to date either. Will ensure I blog everyday, even if just a couple of lines.

Quick update on Horny Cat, She sneaked out today thanks to the dogs. However returned in the afternoon all happy so she has obviously had her fancy tickled!!!!!! Now have to wait 3 weeks to ensure no pregnancy. Damn beast!

Monday, 29 September 2008

Horny Cat!!!..........

My damn cat is in season. We have never had this before as all our cats have been "done". Because Napkin is doing animal care at college, we discussed it with our vet, and decided to leave Mischief (she is so aptly named) to see if she could have kittens. This was to enable Napkin to see the whole process and help her with her studies.

For the last 3 nights Mischief has refused to come in ( I hate my cats being out over night). Today she has not even come in for food. Instead she is languishing around on my neighbours drive showing off her wears and howling to invite prospective "callers" round for a Visit!

What a bloody hussey. Is this normal? Or is she, as I suspect, just a out and out tramp. Over the summer months she would repeat this kind of behaviour but it only lasted a day before some tom would be round seeing to her and she would calm down. She has obviously been round all the local lads and is now seeking visitors from further afield.(hence the irritating wailing)

I don't think my poor neighbours can stand much more of this, let alone us. As soon as I get her in she's grounded. The vet will be called and an appointment made.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Busy busy, chop chop, work work, bang bang...........

My what a hectic week. It's seems to have been non-stop but I'm not quite sure what exactly I've done. Tuesday was supposed to be a relaxing day. Babes was off, so we went to the library and the Art Gallery. (No 71 completed) It was lovely, but I had a upset tummy and had to come home. Felt lousy the rest of the day and did not venture far from my toilet.(sorry if too much info) Therefore, did not go to my WW class but, spoke to my leader and all is OK.

Whilst ironing I have been watching more movies, also in the evenings once Mouse has gone to her bed. So have now watched 2 more box sets - "Alien" Quadrilogy and "Back to the Future" Trilogy. Both sets I haven't watched in yonks and really enjoyed them.

Also 2 more rooms done, very pleased with my progress on this challenge (No4).

Read a new blog thanks to a referral by apieceofwood and really enjoyed it. Thoroughly recommend No more She has really tackled her debt. Will be putting several of her ideas into practice to help me with my debts.

Anyway new series of Bones on and Booth is calling to me (in my dreams). So I'm off to drool

Monday, 22 September 2008

Pick up Snakes..........

No49. Have a Monthly Games Night with no TV. We have had our first games night (OK so it was actually a games afternoon but who cares). Uncle W came round for a visit, he is my kids hero. Each of them in turn have learned great things from him. He is definately the family joker, and he is always a welcome guest in the house. Mouse is particularly fond of him and he has always been her pal.

Anyway the 2 of them decided to play "pick up snakes" (jungle version of pick up sticks) Needless to say, Mouse is a dreadful cheat, and the hilarity that ensued was brilliant. Then we all played "Sorry". I lost!! This was a board game we bought at a church fair years ago and it didn't come with instructions but we play it our own way. Great fun had by all.

Also I have had my first "No Spending Day" (No17 on the 101 list). I am so pleased.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Box Set Cinema........

Just a wee quick update on No 51 Watch all our Box Set DVD's. Have now completed 2 Box Sets, Finished watching the last movie in the Agatha Christie set (Miss Marple's) and have watched Series 1 and 2 of "Allo Allo" Very funny, I love the Englishman disguised as the French Policeman who is terrible at speaking French. He always says things like "Good Moaning" and "I was just pissing buy". Also the interactions between Helga and Herr Flick of the Gestapo, especially when she is kissing him. It must have been a riot on set. I wonder how many outakes there were.

OMG Tartan Scarves at the ready........

Haven't posted for a couple of days busy decluttering more rooms. Did find time to do my dancing. The lastest vinyl delights were;
  1. The Animals - House of the Rising Sun/Don't let me be Misunderstood/I'm Crying
  2. The Archies - Sugar Sugar/Jingle Jangle
  3. Joan Armatrading - Drop the Pilot/Buisiness is Business
  4. The Art Company - Suszanna/The 17th Floor
  5. Aztec Camera - Somewhere in my Heart/Everybody is a Number One
  6. The B52's - Rock Lobster/Running Around
  7. Bad Manners - My Girl Lollipop/Flashpoint
  8. Bananarama - Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye/Tell Tale Signs
  9. Bananarama - Robert De Niro's Waiting/Push
  10. Honey Bane - Baby Love/Mass Production
  11. The Barron Knights - A taste of Agro/Remember Decimalization
  12. Bay City Rollers - Give a Little Love/She'll be Crying over You
  13. The Beat - Can't get used to Losing You/Spar wid me
  14. Bee Gees - Stayin Alive/If I can't have You
  15. Pat Benatar - All fired Up/Cool Zero

OMG there is some utter trash in my record collection. What the hell was I thinking. And the Bay City Rollers !*!*$? - I can't believe I even had the trousers with the tartan strips and turn ups. My children are peeing themselves with laughter. I must remember to find all the photographic evidence and destroy it!!!!!

Anyone else got any phases in their lives they'd rather forget? - any dodgy hairstlyes, outfits or the like? Or have you buried them in a secret compartment, never to let them see the light of day again.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Weighing Me Down.................

Yay, more weight off. Only 1lb this week but it's still in the right direction, so I'm pleased. Plus, last week was such a big loss. I didn't get that much exercise done last week so will have to make sure that this week I do.
I did however get some of the chaos sorted. 2 rooms have now been organised. The front hall and the back porch (I know these aren't technically "rooms" but, I have counted them as rooms for the purpose of my 101 list)
I am also making progress on No2 Finish my diploma and get on the staff development programme. I have my return to course interview next week and if all is well I will be going back to University on the 13th of October. I can't wait to get back to my studies but at the same time I am terrified. I will be joining a new intake (My initial intake class qualified in my absence) Traditionally the September intake is a younger group of students as the school leavers join then. I do hope I'm not left feeling like a Grandma of the class.
I have also completed another goal. No41 Develop and maintain a proper organiser. My birthday is coming up soon, and I had asked my family to buy me pages for my filofax so I could start using it again. Holly, very kindly agreed to buy me my present early. She gave me a set of mid year diary pages and a mixed set with tab pages, address directory and plain and lined note pages. I was so pleased and have now replaced all my old pages, filled them in with all relevant information and am now back to carrying it everywhere so I can jot everything down as I need to.
Photo to show completed task is my lovely newly organised filofax with one of our Baby Beardies (Noona) helping me.

How Much is That Doggie in the Window........

Today I start daily tracking on my money. How much I spend on what and where. I want to see exactly where the little dribs and drabs go so I can change the overall expenditure. I will not be stopping shopping or doing without, however I will be attempting to reduce expenditure where possible. By shopping wiser and cheaper I hope to improve my spending habits thereby reducing my debts.

Today I dropped Babes off at work. This was because he was running late(not organised in time) but it means I have wasted petrol and added to my carbon footprint. Babes drives a bus therefore gets free bus travel. If we had been organised he could have left on time and got on a bus to work, and I would not have had to use the car.

On my way back from dropping him off I went in past "Iceland" and bought a Weight Watchers ready meal, and some bread and salad. The bread is a necessity although I should have gone to "ASDA" where I could have bought it cheaper, but the WW ready meal was an unnecessary purchase. I had food at home to eat, I just didn't want to waste time preparing it. The salad although delicious was dearer than I would normally pay. It will not be wasted in anyway but isn't it funny how eventually it all comes down to organisation and planning.

When I did my weekly shop if I had bought more bread at the cheaper price I could have put it in the freezer. We all know all fuller freezer is more economical to run. If I had done better menu planning I wouldn't have needed to buy a ready meal I would have had the ingredients all ready to go, perhaps even cooked.

My quick pop in to the shop cost me £4.30; not major finance but it could have been spent wiser. It is my hope that daily tracking will show up patterns, patterns that can be changed.

So I'm off to find the knitting needles and prepare to knit a new financial me!!!!!

Sunday, 14 September 2008

More explanations....

More ramblings on why things are on my 101 list. No93 Walk up all the steps of the Wallace Monument.

When I was a kid I used to holiday every year, in a wee village called Dunnipace. We nearly always went for a trip to the Wallace Monument at Stirling

Back then I could run up and down the steps no bother. If I recall there are 237 steps (however I could be remembering this with rose tinted glasses).

The last time we went to the monument (about 7 years ago) I was knackered just walking up the steep path to the bottom of the monument and couldn’t attempt the stairs.
So this challenge entails me reaching the monument (without the aid of the minibus for the infirm) and climbing the steps.

An oxygen canister is not allowed, nor is setting up base camp. I will attempt a solo climb and will not be put off by the children running gaily past me, laughing at my lobster face and asking “Why is that lady crawling on all fours Mummy?”

80) Learn to blog

I thought this would be probably the first task I achieved; (wrong) apparently I’m not quite there yet. My niece is helping me to get started, but I’d better learn pretty quickly otherwise she’ll lose patience with me. I am never off the phone or email asking for help. She probably wishes she’d never told me about the 101 in 1001 challenge. Then again she is a sweetie and very good to her poor old Aunt (grovel, grovel, creep, creep, Love ya Holly)

Friday, 12 September 2008

Viynl Mania..........

I am really enjoying this trip down memory lane with my old viynl singles. Many have not stood this test of time. I think OMG what on earth was I thinking but then wait 20 years and my daughters will no doubt be cringing at the squeaky "Alvin and the Chipmonks" style music that they listen to. (God I'm definately getting old!) I know each generation is different but what is this stuff, you can't really dance to it. It's more like just flinging your arms about in the air. Whatever! Here are today's "dance tunes"!!

  1. Altered Images - Don't talk to me about love/Last goodbye
  2. Altered Images - Bring me closer/surprise me
  3. Laurie Anderson - O Superman/Walk the dog
  4. Aneka - Little Lady/Chasing dreams
  5. Angry Anderson - Suddenly/Falling

No 5 was of course the theme from Scott & Charlene's Wedding in the Aussie soap "Neighbours" If I remember correctly, this record reached No1 in the British top 40 chart. So I wasn't the only dweeb who bought it. Perhaps I'm more sad though as I still have it!!!

Off to find some shoulder pads and do some 1980's dancing!!!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

I've had a request.......

Mylifemakeoverjourney has requested that I post about all our animals.
Here is a list of our animal family. We have 3 dogs, 6 cats, 2 rabbits, 1 hamster, 3 budgies, 9 snakes, 6 bearded dragons, 3 chameleons, 3 geckos (2 palm and 1 grossman), 2 long tailed skinks, 2 fire bellied toads, 2 tree frogs and a tarantula.
We weren't always this mad. Our Napkin wants to work with reptiles. She took 2 years to persuade us to let her have a baby snake (Harrison, the creamsicle corn snake arrived) At first I was terrified, but they are just so fascinating, 2 weeks later Kizzer the Blue Phase Anery Corn joined us. After about 6 weeks I was handling them no problem so she just kept going. Zamora is a Crimson Corn, Dakota is a Reverse Okeetee Corn, Azizi is a Miami Phase Corn, Seba is a Snow Corn and Jenson is a Blizzard Corn. They are all so beautiful and so easy to handle. I fell in love with them so much I now have 2 of my own (they are just normal corns).
Here is a photo of the four bigger ones Harrison, Kizzer, Zamora and Dakota in their favourite log.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008


We have this festival every year in Aberdeen, that celebrates all things sciencey, mathsy,engineeringsy and technologysy. They have all sorts of lectures and demonstrations etc to excite and challenge the mind.
The opening speaker is always very good, this year it was Simon King of "Big Cat Diary" fame. It was amazing to listen to his anicdotes. He is also famous(although we didn't know) for his work behind the camera. Some of the film clips he showed us were spectacular.

Tonight we are off to see Dave Shaw of the Rainforest Roadshow presenting "Memoirs of an Original Spiderman." Will post later on how it goes.

Tonks is a wimp.......

Ok so we're back from the vets and our 2 newest additions have had their first injections.
Tila (the girl) being a star didn't let out a peep but Tonks (the boy) in true male fashion gave a whine. They are quite a pair, Tila was the runt, but we couldn't leave her brother there all alone so (being as we are soft saps) we took him home too.
They have fitted in well with the rest of our mad household. Pecking order is not quite commited to memory but they will get there eventually. Have posted a photo for your viewing pleasure.

Weigh to go Kerri.........

I am floating today. My return to Weight Watchers was rewarded with a 8 1/2lb loss. I'm so pleased with myself. I know that the first week is mostly water, but still Iam delighted. Thanks must go to Holly for encouraging me to start the "couch to 5k challenge" and also to my family and friends for supporting me. Really appreciate it guys.

Am off to get the kittens their first injections now. Hope they behave!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Dancing Queen?.........

More vinyl's rediscovered this morning and danced to as best as I could!! More ballady types today. We had

  1. Bryan Adams - Everything I do, I do it for you/She's only happy when she's dancing
  2. Air Supply - All out of Love/Old habits die hard
  3. Marc Almond - Something's Gotten hold of my heart (with Gene Pitney) A/A side
  4. Alphaville - Big in Japan/Seeds
  5. Altered Images - See those eyes/How about that then(I've missed my train)

Hated No1 when it was in the charts but got into it later. I also have this in 12"vinyl as it had the extended drum solo (hey one had to be cool, then!). No2 was in memory of an old boyfriend the song is still good but he was always naff really. No3 Well just don't ask. No4 Didn't remember this at all till I heard it. Can't say I remember the band were they a one hit wonder? No5 Little Claire Grogan what ever happened to her. Anyone know? May just have to go and google her.

Anyway must go now judging by the odour wafting towards me the kittens have just been in the litter tray (I know, too much sharing!) so have to go empty it.

And Another One Bites the Dust.....

Yay me, I have completed another task. Ok it's a simple one but still it's on my list. No53 Make up and keep an animal diary. This mainly concerns the creepy crawly members of our family. It records who eats when (our snakes only eat every 5 days) and what they've had to eat (fruit,veg,wax worms, crickets, pinkies, fluffs, locusts, mealworms etc.) don't cringe it's not that bad. Who's been bathed, sprayed (obviously we don't bathe Rose our tarantula) or whatever it is they need.

Anyway as promised, a photo will be published for every completed task. If you want to see Rose pop on over to Holly's site, as holding her was one of Holly's 101 tasks. Meantime, hope you like these pictures of our big chameleon "Booger" wearing one of her many coats! (should have called her Joseph!) and two of our rescue Bearded Dragons called Eric and Ernie, soaking up a bit of sunshine.

Our bonnie beasties are all very friendly and love a cuddle. Booger's favourite is to sit on top of your hair. Whilst Eric and Ernie will happily sit on your shoulder when you are on the computer, just watching the screen. Beardies we have discovered are very nosey creatures!

Monday, 8 September 2008

More explanations

63) See a Rugby Match at Murrayfield.

My husband is really in to rugby and I like it too, although I don’t understand all the rules. We always watch it on the telly and we went to the World Cup Final at Cardiff Stadium (amazing time, fantastic atmosphere – hats off to Cardiff, the stadium is magnificent). However we have never been to a game at Murrayfield. Very remiss of us I think, as it’s the home ground and not too far away for us to travel there and back in a day.

29) Get my puppy to stop chewing things.
Our puppy Hamish is a big lump. We got him from Mrs Murray’s . (Local home for strays and unwanted pets – they do great work and our family has had lots of pets from them over the years) He was in for re-homing a second time as his previous owners had found him far too boisterous. They thought he was a Labrador/Boxer cross but it turns out there is some Great Dane in the mix too.

He is fed twice a day. There are various chew toys throughout the house (We are forever tripping on the blasted things) and yet Hamish has a more discerning palette. He enjoys soap, cat litter (new or used, both seem to hold equal appeal) kitchen roll, sawdust, towels and warm washing (only warm) airing on the radiators, eggs in their boxes, all washed down with any liquid that is in a plastic bottle and not more than 6ft (as this is how far he can reach) off the floor.

His latest gourmet meal was my handbag (How silly of me to leave it hanging on the back of a chair!) It wouldn’t be so bad but when he gets caught he just looks at you with his big soppy eyes as if to say “Look what I’ve discovered, would you like to share it?!”

Ridicule is Nothing to be Scared of........

Biggest news No21 Couch to 5k challenge has begun. (YYAAAHH WOOP WOOP!) Am very pleased with myself. Holly and I went on Friday for our first run.

Should point out that I didn't actually run but as per instructions did brisk walking. Old ticker was going, and I was huffing and puffing like a goodo. Loved every minute of it though. Holly kept running ahead of me then coming back. I didn't want her feeling as though she hadn't worked out at all. Come Saturday I could hardly move my legs, but was fine by Sunday. I will be doing another brisk walk today, but sadly on my own as Holly is working.

No39 Listen to all my vinyl singles. This has also begun in earnest with the 1st 5 being
  1. ABBA - The Name of the Game/I Wonder (Departure)
  2. ABBA - Under Attack/You Owe Me One
  3. AC/DC - Touch Too Much/Shot Down in Flames (live)
  4. ADAM & THE ANTS - Prince Charming/Christian D'or
  5. ADAM & THE ANTS - Zerox/Whip in My Valise

Who doesn't love a bit of ABBA. We recently went to see the sing-a-long version of Mamma Mia it was fab and such a laugh. AC/DC was a bit more Babes taste although I do like them, particularly this track, if only I still had long hair for headbanging. Then again I don't want to dislodge something in my cranium and I'd probably fall over now anyway.(hee hee)

With No39 comes, No43 Dance to at least one song every day. Really brought back the days of school discos with "Prince Charming". Of course my uneducated children try to tell me I'm just copying the Pimm's advert. How little they know.....

No45 Eat at the table every night. We used to always do this and it's just in the few months since my Mum died that it changed. Just a further sign of Chaos spreading throughout the house I think. However we are back at the table every night. We all prefer this as it gives us more time to hear about everyone's day.

No51 Watch all our Box set DVDs. As previously stated watched 3 movies as I did my mountainous ironing yesterday. The first 3 in the first Box set "Agatha Christie Collection" these are the old B&W ones starring Margaret Rutherford as Miss Jane Marple. Interestingly Joan Hickson who plays Miss Marple in many productions in later life has a part in the first movie "Murder She Said" but as a Housekeeper.

Finally No50 Go to the Cinema once every week. Went with Babes to see "Babylon AD" Very strange but then Vin Diesel is in it so I don't care. Good storyline but seemed to end rather abruptly with some questions left unanswered. Still worth a visit, if only to see Vin in nothing but a bath towel Mmmmmm. And for the fellas there's plenty of shooting, fisticuffs and blowing shit up to entertain you.

Keep Ironing up that Hill.........

This weekend I have been working hard trying to make my home slightly less chaotic. Some more 101 tasks are in progress. I ironed for 7 hours yesterday (watching 3 movies as I did it) and still the pile is not complete. Then again I washed 6 loads of washing and there is still more of it to go to0. I feel like I have opened a laundry and half the street is putting their dirty washing in as well. I could have the surplus mountains.

My best friend came round to wish us "Happy Anniversay" (22 years omg) and when she saw the washing pile said she "would cry if she had that much laundry" Bless you Dondi It's always like this just usually better hidden!!!!!.

However I endeavour for the washing/ironing mountains to vanish from my home for ever.(and no I'm am not just binning it all) How could any family have so much washing? I hear you cry. Frankly I don't know, although I do suspect (mainly by the fact that they are still in their folds) that some items return to the wash basket having never seen the inside of the drawer or having been worn. Trouble is once they've been put back inthe basket then they have to be rewashed or else stink of smelly sock, and the like. Then again perhaps I should let them wear clothes which smell of "eau de feet". Then when their friends start to notice they are turning into "pepe le pew's" they might actually put away ironed clothes.

On a positive note my arms got a good workout - Goodbye Bingo Wings

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Rice,Rice and more Rice

Quick update re No90 on my 101 list "Donate 101000 grains of rice at" Have started this and donated 9500 grains tonight. It is quite good fun. Tried the famous artists this time as well as geography. Never thought I knew that much about art but it's amazing what you find lurking in the corners of your mind. I actually recognised several artists work straight off.

I dunno where all my money goes........

Well, I certainly do now!! Holly came round yesterday and downloaded me a thing called budget planner. You have to fill in your income, then you fill out all these questions regarding how much you spend, finally it gives you a green or red sign and lets you know the state of your finances. OMG, according to it I am spending well beyond my means. Think I'll have to join the stopping shopping brigade.

The good thing is it shows you exactly where you are overspending, so if we calm down at Christmas and don't take a holiday anytime this century we should sort it. The biggest shock was what we spend on the animals, but then we do have rather a lot, 43 at last count.

At least I've completed another one of my 101 tasks. No12 Do a spending check. I said I'd publish a photo for every completed task. So am going to post one of Inverary Jail. Babes and I took a trip there last year and it was great fun. A fascinating place which I would highly recommend you visit if you can. Anyway the point of the picture is to make me think of the poorhouse, which if I don't sort my finances is where I'll end up!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps I'd better watch "Prisoner Cell Block H" episodes to prepare!!!!!

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

There she blows.......

Once more into the blue yonder, as I yet again join Weight Watchers. Thing is I know I can do it as I've previously lost 50lbs on the WW programme. I try to do it by myself but just fall by the wayside. Anyway here we go............

Went for my first weigh in and oh my god. I am not, as previously posted, a gazelle inside a hippo: I am a gazelle inside a hippo inside a whale.!!! However it's a "clean slate" as my leader says so I will again point my way to a new me.

Day 1 in the WW House..... Up bright eyed and bushy tailed, with my obligatory cup of hot water (so good for the complexion, as well as other bodily functions we will not mention). School mornings are always a nightmare in our house. Mouse is NOT a morning person and we all suffer. As a result, I never get my breakfast until after the school run. Theory being, I can enjoy it in peace and quiet (WRONG) the dogs are charging all round the house fighting over something. Oh look it's one of Babes socks, how nice!!!!! (No wonder my odd sock bag is so full)

I will be weight ranting often, therefore I am going to label the posts so as not to inflict my boring bits on unsuspecting readers.

Better go now, I fear Captain Ahab is approaching!!!!!!!!

My positives list

The idea of this list is to remind me, when I’m feeling down or discouraged, of 10 real positives in my life.

1) I have married my soul mate, (corny I know). We have been together since we were teenagers, and he’s my best friend, soul mate and husband all rolled into one.

2) I have three wonderful, healthy children whom I love to bits. Two are young adults and one is still at school. They don’t cause me any worries with drink or drugs.

3) I have a house full of animals who never fail to make me smile with their antics.

These are our boys l-r Hamish, Bubba and Zazu

4) I am in close contact my brother and his family, and we all get on! A major bonus in today’s society. I also see my Aunt and cousin regularly. My Dad lives 600 miles away but we speak most days on the phone. Although my Mum died recently she was always an inspiration to me, her loving presence will always be felt in our family.

5) I have a nice house (although chaotic) but it’s dry, warm and secure so really I have nothing to complain about.

6) Our income is sufficient enough to afford us some small luxuries in life although I could spend it more wisely.

7) I have a group of close friends whom I have known since childhood and I’ve been privileged to watch their families grow. We keep in contact through phone and email but also meet up when we can for girlies nights.

8) I can look back on most of my life with fondness. I was fortunate enough to have a happy, fun childhood.

9) I have never had to live in a war zone, been persecuted for my religious beliefs or been unable to express an opinion without fear of retribution. I have clean safe drinking water on tap and food is readily available and affordable.

10) I have the capability and the means to effect changes in my life to improve it physically, mentally and aesthetically.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

How I chose my blog name

Whilst researching 101 in 1001, I came across a link to mylifemakeoverjourney
I was impressed by her CHAOS acronym, “Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome” and have slightly adapted it to get my blog name. CHAOTIC – “Can’t Have Anyone Over Till I Clean”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not yet in the need of Aggie and Kim’s services but I could certainly do with taking a few pages out of Anthea Turner’s book “How to be a perfect Housewife”
ISBN0753512858 published March 07

I have always prided myself on being organised at work so why can’t I do it at home? I think the little shoe elves (or more likely my kids) sneak out at night and mess up the place. I seem to be forever saying – it was tidy yesterday, or I just cleaned that. I dread the doorbell going as I know I will have to say "please excuse the mess". My family and close friends know I am not a good housewife but I hope they feel I make up for it in other ways. (Please say I have some redeeming qualities guys!)

They are still my friends and do still come and visit so I can’t be that bad. However, my chaotic days are behind me (I hope) and a new housewife is just bursting to get out of me (she will need a bit of coaxing though) so I do ask for all the encouragement you can give her. I think I’d better go now and dust off the dusters ready for use. Now where did I put that Hoover?

Why some things are on my 101 list

53) Make up and keep animal diary.

This is because some of our animals, particularly the reptiles, can be off their food at certain times, like when they are due to shed or lay eggs etc. The point of this diary is so we can monitor exactly who is doing what rather than just scribbling notes or telling one another. It will log who eats what, who has had their bath and who was cleaned out on what day.

49) Have a monthly games night with no TV

This isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. We love games nights in our house with everyone having a favourite choice of game. However many of these games involve the TV. Like the “scene it” games, we have Harry Potter (my favourite because I usually win), Disney, and Friends to name but a few.

12) Do a spending check

I think it’s about time I took back control of my finances. We have a reasonable income, but there never seems to be anything to show for it. I need to know exactly where all my husband’s hard earned pennies are going!! (I should perhaps point out that it’s not anything that he is doing as according to the statements it’s nearly always my card that spends the money!)

39) Listen to all my vinyl singles

It occurred to me that perhaps some of you reading this may not actually know what a vinyl single is! They are round black flat things, usually about 7inches across, that actually play music. They’re a kind of prehistoric CD. In my young days, (doesn’t feel that long ago but Banana tells me it’s ancient) this is what we played when we wanted to listen to music. I have about 300 and haven’t listened to them in years. Who knows what delights I will find lurking Adam Ant, Status Quo, Orange juice and if you’ve never heard of any of these people ask your Mum and Dad!!!!!

Now we're cooking with gas.......

Day 2 in the chaotic house.......

I can't quite work out how to adjust my 101 list by colour to show which tasks are in progress. So I'll just list them just now and change the colour later.

Well obviously No37 - Learn to Blog - OK so it's only just in progress but at least I've made a start. My little angels think it's hysterical, that I'm doing a blog. Just cause they're all BEBO'd up . I have also made a start on No57- Teach my 2 daughters to cook (one night a week each).

Yesterday it was Napkin's turn and she made lasagne. It was pretty good, however my son Peanut reckons she should have got her Dad to teach her to make it as his lasagne is better than mine. (That's a pressie off his xmas list the rat).

I'm also ready to start No34 - read all the books in my bookcase which will also link in with No35 - read the top 101 on the BBC's big read list. If I start with the Harry Potter's this will "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" as they say. When these books first came out I read them along with my older kids, but by the time book 4 was out I was reading them before the children got even a whiff of them. It was realy funny with the last one as everyone was fighting over it and if you put it down someone else grabbed it. I think all 5 of us were reading it at the same time.

Anyway the kettle is beckoning me so I'm off just now. Blog ya later! (is that just the most uncool thing ever or am i learning the lingo?)

The race has started but I'm not in it.........

Day 1

And my server is down! so I can't log on to anything. Finally when Babes comes home he reboots the router (like I'm supposed to know what that is?) and all is well.

I have my very first comment from apieceofwood Thank you so much. I tried to leave a comment on your page but it's showing on my page. Is this correct? Back on the phone to Holly. How do I do this again????????

Please be patient with me and keep checking my blog, I'm sure I'll get it eventually.

Sunday, 31 August 2008

My First Post

Ok here goes – thanks to my niece’s encouragement and technical prowess – I am about to begin my first blog! I’m very excited. It came about because of the 101 things in 1001 days challenge.

My niece Holly of hollyisstoppingshopping fame told me about it and inspired me to do one of my own. It took a wee while to come up with 101 things and I have changed a few things along the way but my final list is now ready to post. My official start date is 1/09/2008, therefore my finish date will be 30/05/2011. Now that I see the dates written down 1001 days doesn’t seem such a long time after all.

I aim to update most days and hope you will enjoy reading my posts. I have certainly enjoyed reading other peoples in preparation for starting my own list. Wish me luck!!!