Thursday 4 September 2008

I dunno where all my money goes........

Well, I certainly do now!! Holly came round yesterday and downloaded me a thing called budget planner. You have to fill in your income, then you fill out all these questions regarding how much you spend, finally it gives you a green or red sign and lets you know the state of your finances. OMG, according to it I am spending well beyond my means. Think I'll have to join the stopping shopping brigade.

The good thing is it shows you exactly where you are overspending, so if we calm down at Christmas and don't take a holiday anytime this century we should sort it. The biggest shock was what we spend on the animals, but then we do have rather a lot, 43 at last count.

At least I've completed another one of my 101 tasks. No12 Do a spending check. I said I'd publish a photo for every completed task. So am going to post one of Inverary Jail. Babes and I took a trip there last year and it was great fun. A fascinating place which I would highly recommend you visit if you can. Anyway the point of the picture is to make me think of the poorhouse, which if I don't sort my finances is where I'll end up!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps I'd better watch "Prisoner Cell Block H" episodes to prepare!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done on completing one of you 101 goals!

Also, you have 43 pets?! What do you have? You must blog about them sometime!!