Saturday, we met my Dad for lunch at the local Sainsbugs. They do really nice simple food and it's easy for us all to get to. It was really nice all being together (except Peanut but more on him later). Spent a lovely afternoon finishing reading my book "Dr No" by Ian Fleming, whilst my Dad and Babes slept. Having seen the film Dr No many times but never got round to reading the book, I was engrossed. I quite enjoy 007 novels, not just the ones by Fleming but also ones written by other authors in the same style as Fleming after his death. John Gardner in particular, my Dad gave me one of his to read when I was hospitalised during my pregnancy with Peanut, which I loved.
Mouse was having a sleepover with a friend at ours so it was a very noisy and late night, with fashion parades, make up studios and face packs galore. I eventually fell asleep the back of 2a.m. leaving them settled but still chatting endlessly. Oh to be 12 again (not bloody likely).
Peanut couldn't join us for lunch as he had an appointment to get another tattoo. He has 6 now. (I have still to get my first, it's on my 101 list) His latest is the Alien/Predator Hybrid. I will post a picture once it settles down in a couple of days. My favourite though, is his face hugger alien.
If he likes Giger, get him to check out this - I would love to go.
Thanks, it looks really cool. Well worth a visit.
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