Tuesday 30 June 2009

July Goals

As it is the holidays and I will have a lot of free time, I have decided that I will follow in the footsteps of others (namely shopaholly and apieceofwood) and make July my "work on my 101 list" month. I am making progress with my list and have completed some of my tasks but it's time I put some more effort in.

In previous blogs I have made some changes to my original list and that left 4 spaces for new goals. Here are my new ones, let me know what you think.

No.2 Get back to studying or get a job - I left my studying when my Mum was dying and it's been over a year since I lost her, so it's time to sort myself out and either do some more studying or put my knowledge to use and get a job. By the end of the summer I must do one or the other.

No.19 Visit an extended family member once a month (0/33)- obviously this can be the same family member more than once, I don't have that big a family. We live within 50 miles of quite a few Aunts and Uncles, cousins etc. but never seem to visit them enough and normally funerals (too many of these) and weddings (not so many of these lately) are the only times we all get together.

No.35 Write real paper letters (0/101) - May have read this on someone elses 101 list but I can't remember, so sorry if I'm copying. I used to enjoy writing letters a lot when I was younger and had different writing sets I used for different people. E-mailing is so much easier if you make a mistake (my spelling is frequently naff, I blame cheap biros!!) However I reckon I'd really enjoy this challenge. Not very green I know, but I will use recycled paper and ask the receipitants to recycle my letters.

No.101 Make or revamp 10 items (0/10) - Ok this sounds a bit wooly but I would like to make an item of clothing, make or a least revamp an item of furniture, and perhaps make some soft furnishings. Rather than make them individual goals this will encompass all my creative wants. Depending on how I manage I may well increase the amount but 10 seems a difficult enough challenge to begin with.

So there you have it new challenges and a month of really trying to accomplish them. Wish me luck.


GGOM said...

never really looked at your 101 list before, you got some wicked things on it.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your July goals, Kerri - hope it's all going well. I'm just catching up on everybody's blogs after getting back from holiday - can't believe you've done 20 posts in less than a fortnight!!

Chaotic Kerri said...

Thanks guys, Didn't realise it was that many, sometimes I just can't help myself.