Sunday, 7 June 2009

I want to rant!

WTF is going on in the world of politics. I am not usually one to get much involved (although I do always vote - people died to give me that right)
BUT....... all this bloody expense claims nonsense (Joe public would be off to stay at her maj's pleasure if we committed that type of fraud)
and resignations (it's changing by the minute)

Then I discover that the PM is phoning around to enquire after contestants in talent shows. (I'm not slagging Susan Boyle) but isn't whats going on in the country a little more important. (Now don't jump down my throat saying he was only showing concern for a fellow human being I feel bad for the lady and wish her well).
I am well peeved at the politicians (they're all as bad as each other)

Anyway rant over I will now go back to my chaotic world and leave them to sort their chaotic homes!!!!

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