Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Library Books

Today's holiday activity was to go to the central library (we usually only go to the local one which has just a small collection whereas the central one is huge) Now I love to read all kinds of different books particularly autobiographies but I also love cookery books, always looking to find new ways of getting more vegetables into Mouse. She is quite a fussy eater when it comes to veg.
So I would borrow a couple of cook books: "Kids Kitchen" by Amanda Grant and Michael Beazley and "The Dinner Lady by Jeanette Orrey. All great so far, took them home, sat down with a glass of water (sticking to challenge) opens "The Dinner Lady" only to find that a previous borrower has been a smoker (and a heavy one judging by the stink). It is bloody awful, every time I turn a page I get a fresh, or rather stale, waft of tobacco. It's making me feel sick.
Now, I know I'm a reformed smoker (and yes I am murder) of many years, but even when I did smoke, the smell of smoke near my food was enough to send me rushing for the nearest loo.

I wish someone would invent a frebreeze type product for books (if you know of any please let me know) In the meantime I will be putting the book back in the boot of the car till I return it to the library so as not to stink out the whole kitchen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem with a book last year then another one that stank of sick. Yuk!

Now I discreetly (I hope) sniff books before I take them out.