Sunday, 5 July 2009

I'm Melting.....

I've melted 12lbs off (in total not this week) and my week is not up till Tuesday. Am so chuffed with myself, almost my first stone. No1 on my 101 list lose weight.

Watched a movie today called 11.14 what a pile of trash. Concept sounded great, all these strangers lives interacting at 11.14 p.m only it was mega pants. Was supposed to be a thriller, but we were laughing at it thinking, is it meant to be funny? Trailer looked good so added it to my lovefilm rental list. Won't be recommending it to anyone that's for sure.

More 101 progress:
No42. Put all my Cd's on to computer. This is well underway, everything up to N is on and should be able to get the rest on before the end of the week. Think I might sell some of them once they're all on, get some extra pennies and free up some storage space.

No25. Drink only water for a month. Going well 5days down 26 to go.

Been waiting for 3 of the cats to come in for the night but am getting knackered so will try one last time , and if they don't come in they can stay out all night. No sign so that's it I'm off to bed and they can sleep in the rabbits hutch (the rabbits died before Xmas) Bloody dirty stop outs.


GGOM said...

well done you.

Chaotic Kerri said...

Thanks don't forget to post how you and your wife get on when you go for your first weigh in.