Monday, 13 July 2009

Just a quickie!

A lot of blogs I've been reading lately have been full of photo's so, I thought I'd jump on the band wagon so to speak ( plus I've been renaming pics and found a few I want to share):

Clan MacNab burial ground at Killin in Scotland. Babes and I were enjoying a three day break when we came accross this, but the visitor centre was closed so we couldn't get the keys.

This was taken at Loch Carron, if you look closely you can see a stick man standing in the middle No? (must just be me then!)

This sunset was taken out of our upstairs back window, love the way the clouds are and the colours. We get some spectacular sunsets sometimes. Hope you like them.

1 comment:

GGOM said...

yes I see him, weedy little willo the wisp. Lovely sunset.