Monday, 10 November 2008

Secret Trip........

Secret trip is no longer secret. My brother blabbed. Basically we are off tonight to London, to go and attend a surprise diamond anniversary celebration for my Uncle and Aunt in Essex tomorrow. It was also supposed to be a surprise to my Dad that we were coming down to go with him to the party but as I say my big bruv talked.

Never mind should still be fun. The whole family has been invited to the party but unfortunately due to work commitments etc only my brother and I can attend from Scotland. My Aunt and Uncle have no idea that all the brother's , sister's and their families have been invited not to mention all the cousins. My brother and I have not seen most of our English rellies in more than 20years, should be a great reunion.

We are heading off at 10p.m tonight in order to get there and have time to have a sleep before we go the party as it's an hour and a half travel time (if traffic is good) from my Dad's place to the party venue.

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