Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Tonks is a wimp.......

Ok so we're back from the vets and our 2 newest additions have had their first injections.
Tila (the girl) being a star didn't let out a peep but Tonks (the boy) in true male fashion gave a whine. They are quite a pair, Tila was the runt, but we couldn't leave her brother there all alone so (being as we are soft saps) we took him home too.
They have fitted in well with the rest of our mad household. Pecking order is not quite commited to memory but they will get there eventually. Have posted a photo for your viewing pleasure.


Anonymous said...

Aw, they look so cute!

Please, please, please do a post some time about your 43 pets - I'm very intrigued as to what they all are!

Chaotic Kerri said...

I will , I promise, just don't want to bore everyone. As I'm sure Holly would agree and probably many others we are kinda animal daft in this house.

Anonymous said...

It won't bore me! I love animals! We live in rented accomodation though so I only have 3 hamsters and a budgie at the minute!

Chaotic Kerri said...

Did you see the previous picture posts of 2 of our beardies and our big chameleon?