Monday, 22 September 2008

Pick up Snakes..........

No49. Have a Monthly Games Night with no TV. We have had our first games night (OK so it was actually a games afternoon but who cares). Uncle W came round for a visit, he is my kids hero. Each of them in turn have learned great things from him. He is definately the family joker, and he is always a welcome guest in the house. Mouse is particularly fond of him and he has always been her pal.

Anyway the 2 of them decided to play "pick up snakes" (jungle version of pick up sticks) Needless to say, Mouse is a dreadful cheat, and the hilarity that ensued was brilliant. Then we all played "Sorry". I lost!! This was a board game we bought at a church fair years ago and it didn't come with instructions but we play it our own way. Great fun had by all.

Also I have had my first "No Spending Day" (No17 on the 101 list). I am so pleased.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Sorry! I love that game!!! Congrats on another goal off your list underway! :)