Wednesday, 30 September 2009


OK in on Monday for 4 hours training which consisted of 2 hours on selling age restricted products (completing a booklet), then being shown round the front and back of the store. Then the rest of the time on tills (well till as only one was working).

Struggled to get my head round it as the experienced member of staff was so quick. The till has a prompter if you sell an age restricted product (store has an under 25 policy so, even if you look 18 unless you look over 25 you must have ID). I get the point of this and on the whole most regular customers know and understand their policy, and are happy to comply, but there are those who clearly look over 16 or 18 but have no ID and they can get quite pissed when refused.

They also have one of these pay point machines. I really struggled with that. I don't consider myself slow, in fact I'm usually quite a quick learner, but you can do so many different things with this machine. You have to push different buttons according to what the customer wants, phone top up , pay a bill, put money on gas cards, money on these funny fork like things that go into electricity meters, debit card payments, cash back.

Then there's the lottery machine, all singing, all dancing, nobody actually came in to buy the lottery so I couldn't really get proper training on it.

Never mind Tuesday is my first day so I'm sure whoever I'm on with will help me..........

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