Wednesday, 1 October 2008

30 days hath September.....

I am so glad they're past. September was good and bad. Some goals completed, but some that should have been started have not been. I am very annoyed that I have not started my exercise routines properly.
So October goals -
  1. Start exercise routines
  2. Drink only water for a month
  3. Have 5 No spending days
  4. Set up Menu Planning and stick to it
  5. Loose at least 8lbs

Not been to great at keeping blogs up to date either. Will ensure I blog everyday, even if just a couple of lines.

Quick update on Horny Cat, She sneaked out today thanks to the dogs. However returned in the afternoon all happy so she has obviously had her fancy tickled!!!!!! Now have to wait 3 weeks to ensure no pregnancy. Damn beast!


Anonymous said...

so we think the tart has had her fill then! Just water or water with tea/coffee?

Chaotic Kerri said...

Yes it would appear the lust has been satisfied. She is now lying quite contentedly under the radiator purring like a tractor engine. The ginger tom from the next street was outside our gate today. Unsure wether he missed the boat or was back for seconds!!!

No it will be water only this month. But I am allowed it hot or cold so some variety!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your goals Kerri :)

Anonymous said...

that anon is me, I pressed the button too quick!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your goals Kerri.

What exercise are you looking to do? I'm going to try and do more walking this month once I get my winter coat back from the cleaners!

Anonymous said...

Great blog!

I do no spending days and many of the people I've met online (through the blog) started trying them I think we have a whole community now :) I find they really work for me!

Good luck with all your goals!

Chaotic Kerri said...

MLMJ I have a couple of excercise DVD's that I use and I try to do fast walking as often as I can. Usually on the way home from dropping Mouse at school.